So this law passed in 2021 as a part of an "Infrastructure Bill". In short, its requiring all "NEW" vehicles produced from 2026 on to have onboard detection for Impaired drivers. This will be either a breath sample, or an infrared light in the start/stop button. While I am against impaired driving, were back to the argument that the spoon caused obesity. It is wildly held that a "Kill Switch" will be installed to allow police etc. to disable your vehicle remotely. No real big deal right as GM's ONStar has been doing this for years? That's the argument anyway. This is heavily backed by MADD and Anheuser Busch

I can't imagine the cost of this to put forward to the consumers as we are already seeing an all time high in vehicle prices....

(5) to ensure the prevention of alcohol-impaired driving
fatalities, advanced drunk and impaired driving prevention
technology must be standard equipment in all new passenger motor

In 2021, Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, bipartisan legislation aimed at enhancing the country’s infrastructure. One provision in the bill seeks to prevent alcohol-related driving fatalities by making “drunk and impaired driving prevention technology” standard equipment in all new vehicles.

Specifically, Section 24220 of the bill directs the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to develop rules that would require new cars to be equipped with technology that "passively monitors the performance of a driver," identifies whether they may be impaired and prevents or limits motor vehicle operation "if an impairment is detected."

"Nothing in the infrastructure bill gives any law enforcement or third party access to any information on vehicles or control of any technology installed in vehicles," Strassburger told USA TODAY in an email.
There is also no automotive technology in existence or in development that could be considered a "kill switch," Strassburger said.

Here is the link to the bill and specifically this section..

There is a bill being introduced to kill this. Call your local congressman if you care.