As this year is looking like it may be the first one since the mid 1980s that I won't have a lease or club to hunt, have any of you fine gentlemen done commercial/guided non-trophy hunts in Texas that you would recommend or suggest?

Looking for a different experience, quality folks to work with, and the opportunity to put meat in the freezer. Does and what the proprietor considers "cull" bucks are okay. I spent a lot of time looking on Google last night and the prices range from "reasonable" to "OMG that's an expensive doe".

STILL looking for a good lease or club - but when I balance the cost of a club+corn+gas+etc. vs a turn-key operation, the money almost seems to balance out in some cases. What sucks is it shortens my season from four and a half months to a few days. But I don't wanna sit the whole damn year out.

Not looking for the "Texas trophy deer" experience, as I don't want to take out a second mortgage. But prefer it not be high fence.