After getting dad his first turkey, I thought my season was over due to a shoulder injury/pinched nerve. Rest and prayer solved that problem, and my youngest boy was itching to go turkey hunting. Phelps is an animal lover; his favorite animal is a sloth, and he will likely become a Vet, because he wants to take care of exotic as well as domestic animals. He's a sweet, kind soul, and I figured he might never want to actually go hunting with me. I suspected he wanted to go turkey hunting mostly for the "swag" that goes with it...camo, face paint, a skinning knife etc. Missing school to hang with dad didn't hurt either. Boy was I wrong!

I've never taken anyone on their first hunt that was nearly dialed in as my 9 year old. From the moment we left the truck on day one, he was dialed in and ready to burn some powder. We had good gobbling form the get go, but it took until day 2 for it to come together for us. Here is the video...and you will clearly know just how amazed and proud of that boy I was and am. It's a really cool couple of hunts, and I'm starting to figure this videoing stuff out enough that the vids aren't horrible.

Anyhoo...thanks for watching if you choose to do so.