Quote Originally Posted by w33kender View Post
Trump got more votes than Reagan in '80 or 84. I grew up half of my childhood with two confirmed classic libs and heard what they said about RR. Reagan was divisive, let's just say, using a Democrat story line.
The democrats keep moving the line of acceptable Republican candidates. It's always the guy before the present Hitler. Stop falling for their bullshit, stop repeating their bullshit, stop letting them dictate terms.
US population in 1984 = 236 million (38.14% voted)
US population in 2020 = 330 million (47.68% voted)

Reagan electoral votes in 84 = 525 to 13 (Mondale only State won was Michigan)
54,445,075 (59.17%)
92,022,360 Total

Trump electoral votes in 2020 = 232 to 306 (Biden)
74,216,747 (47.17%)
1,865,720 (Jorgensen)
157,351,334 Total

If Regan has gotten 59% of the vote he would have gotten 93.1 million votes or 18.9 million more votes.