When I was a kid, my dad and most surrounding farmers would turn up some dirt and broadcast wheat for the dove opener. We'd start on one field opening morning, and rotate every morning of labor day weekend to someone else's field for other shoots. We'd shoot maybe the first 2 or 3 weekends of the season and that'd be it for dove season. As time went on, less farmers prepped a field in the area and less doves were being killed so at some point it all stopped. Fast forward to the last couple of years of me doing my own fields. With the new rules and restrictions early season of afternoon hunting, I pretty much only hunt afternoons now. I've tried morning hunts for the relief in temperature, but they have all been much slower hunts than compared to the afternoon hunts. I'm curious to see if it's the same way for y'all. And I'm talking about the first season. After rifle season opens it's all over for the doves!

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