Lots of rumors beginning to surface. Automotive repair is tough, especially when you work on every car line. In 9 years I’ve never seen it as busy as it is now. I appreciate all of your patience and support. Life has been a little different for me since Nov 2019 but I do my best to not allow it to interfere with business. Cancer has thrown my family a curve ball no doubt. I’m starting to hear “since his wife got sick, it’s not the same” well no shit! It’s damn sure different but I’m facing what all of America is… cost has gone up. I tried my best to not inflate pricing but one can’t do but so much.

Now as far as the rumors… I won’t deny or confirm any.

I’ve always said my next job would be a Toyo sales rep. Not hard to sell the best.

On a serious note, I appreciate all the business. I appreciate the feedback, I appreciate SCDUCKS to allow me to promote my business.

Just share the love when I push Toyo AT3’s on all of you.