My good buddy Deacon as been after me to get into bow hunting. I have almost done it a few times the last couple years but just never did. He said it was the closet to our beloved turkey hunting you could get with deer. Another good buddy, YoungbuckTX, gifted me a bow mid September. It was an older Browning. I practiced a good bit and one evening the string broke and I was told it was not worth fixing. Not sure where I fit in here as I went bought a mid grade Bear bow package and got to practicing. Not a Matthews but a brand new bow.

I have had 3 bucks in range this year but light conditions and trash stopped the shot. Last Friday eve I had a big 10 point at 30 yards but in trash with no shot. His 6th scent kicked in and I watched him stroll off into my dreams. Kind of glad he was not my first with a bow as he would be hard to top.

Any way Saturday morning I got in the stand and had a buck come out around 7:00 am. He has in range but not my lane. After about 10-15 minutes of an agonizing wait and he stepped in my lane. I drew back and got caught at full draw. Had to hold in awkward position for what felt like a hour but was probably 10 seconds or so. He dropped his head so I put it on him and squeezed release. Well I shot him high but he dropped. It hit the spine so he could not go anywhere. I knocked another arrow and got a second shot where I hit the heart, he died quickly after that. Very proud of this deer and cannot wait to continue bow hunting them. Was a true rush and made me feel like that rookie all over again. Was a great hunt all the way around as the woods were alive. Heard wood ducks flying to the river, birds were singing their song, squirrels were doing their thing, turkeys were calling, and even heard a couple gobbles.

Now that I have killed a couple bucks, one with my middle son and this one, I am going to focus on a couple bigger deer I have on camera. Pressure is off to kill one with a bow so I am going to relax there on out. Been hearing and seeing turkeys pretty regular as well so I always have them to get a smile from and hogs are showing up kind of regular as well so I may can shoot one of them.