I tell you what, these modern turkey hunting tv shows make me want to vomit. These people have no idea what turkey hunting is all about. All they want to do is kill. 100% of the shows are over decoys, and 50% of those the hunters are in ground blinds and aren’t even calling. It’s a real shame that people are hunting these days just for show and a photo op. There is absolutely nothing gratifying about killing a turkey that way. You can’t have the deep respect and humbleness of a turkey hunter and do it that way. There is absolutely no way I could pull the trigger on a long beard near a decoy. Period. The whole art and sport of turkey hunting is the Tom Foolery with calls and it is 100% lost in modern hunting shows. It fucking makes me sick that “outdoor channels” can show that trash on public television. Hell, I’ve even seen a few shows lately where the people resort to sneaking up on turkeys and they actually film that shit! Wtf! End rant.