I have been dealing with this for years. It is always on my right side and seems to be the same areas. As I stated in a post probably a month ago I’ve been training pretty hard running a lot more. I have backed off on the barbell bench and I’ve been doing more dumbbells seeing as how it tends to bother me less. My main issue is that my trap, Latissimus, and pec all want to knot up. I can usually roll them out and find a hotspot with a baseball on the floor. Whenever this flares up I have a muscle in my deep glute that gets really tight and painful. Possibly piriformis or external rotators of the hip.I have been more diligent about stretching and in the past week it has not helped. I have a job where I will be standing or looking down for 12 hours at a time and this really gets my neck doing. All right sided....scms and scalenes will have knots in them. Mri of cervical spine was fine. I would say it is been a couple years since I’ve taken more than 2 to 3 days off working out. Thinking of taking at least a week and just focus on stretching. Have you guys had similar problems that have found a solution. Thanks… I did this on the phone with the dictation feature…if it’s kinda choppy.