If that flag is about heritage and not hate then why does it only come out during times of racial tension?

I actually have respect for folks that fly it 24/7 because for them I feel it actually might be about heritage. It might be a heritage of hate but......

I have a flag that flew over the captital. My dad got it for me. At the time I thought it was pretty cool. Inside was a signed certificate acknowledging that it was, in fact, flown over the captital and the date was incorporated.......Jan 15th. You gotta be fucking kidding me. I burned the certificate and kept the flag. I’ve had that flag since before tot was born and fully intend to give it him and it especially sucks because wouldn’t ya know it He was later born on Jan 15th.

I also have a flag that was flown over my boat, USS Philadelphia, that I commandeered while I was aboard that will give him at some point with instructions that it’s to be the flag draped over my coffin when they bury my ass. It could probably stand a cleaning so I guess I’ll have to look up the protocol for that at some point in time.