I’m taking my little buddy to the vet as soon as I can get it scheduled tomorrow but figured it would be worth asking about here. He is 14 and I know that alone can be an issue with a dog. I’m trying to figure out if he is just a little sick or presenting symptoms that the end is near.

For the last few days our lap dog has been pacing a lot and panting some, usually at night. He eventually settle on the couch to sleep.

He drinks and has an appetite but is having difficulty keying in on his water bowl and his food bowls. He will miss his water bowl, sometimes stepping in it, and I’ve gone so far as to hold it up and gently push his head to the water so he can drink. He’ll eat food from my hand every time he passes while pacing so appetite seems good.

He seems somewhat uncoordinated and maybe weak. His legs will sometimes fall out from under him momentarily. Could have some vision loss.

The last few days he wanders when we go outside together, like ambling to an unknown destination. I’ll walk with him and get him back to the house. Before he would go to the spots he wanted to smell and pee on and run back inside.

He seems to have developed some twitches.

He has bounced back during the day some but not quite back to his normal self.

His hair, mainly on his lower back, has thinned a good bit over the last two months.

His whole life, if I petted him more than a few seconds, he’s snap at me. Especially around the ribs. The last three days I can scratch and rub him as much as I want and he won’t snap or growl. That makes me think he isn’t in pain but dogs are hard to read.

He had one night like this over Christmas but was back to normal the next day so several days of this has me worried.

He had a checkup at the vet a few weeks ago and no issues noted.

Any input is appreciated guys.