Please welcome New Sponsor Accelerated Financial Solutions to SCDUCKS. Check with BCR3 to see how he can help your business.
First let me say that we at Accelerated Financial Solutions (AFS) are thrilled to be a sponsor of SC Ducks. I've been a member on this site for a long time and as soon as I became a partner with AFS I knew the first place I wanted to advertise was right here with this group. I believe that the services we offer truly can help many of you and I will work my tail off to make sure that if given your business we will bust our tail to recover your hard earned money.

A little bit about Advanced Financial Solutions:

AFS specializes in Debt Recovery for any business from small local businesses to large banks and everything in between. However we feel we have found a niche in the small to medium size business market because most small businesses simply do not have the time, money, or the resources to chase down their past due accounts receivables. Most simply write them off or pay an attorney up front to help collect on those accounts with varying degrees of success. With AFS you will never pay anything up front, if you don't get paid we don't get paid. What you get with AFS is a dedicated team of collection specialists who use our proprietary software to monitor and track down those individuals who owe you money. We also have a network of attorney's across the country should the collection process need legal action. All of this is provided at no cost to the business owner unless we collect. We will diligently pursue these accounts until all options have been exhausted. We publish our collection fees online to ensure total transparency so please click on the link and see for yourselves. For any account from any SC DUCKS MEMBER we will reduce our fees by 3%. We will also give a $100 Cabelas gift card to anyone on here that either signs a contingency contract with AFS or refers a business to AFS that results in a signed contingency contract.

If you would like to learn more about AFS or think we can help you in any way please do not hesitate to reach out to me through phone or email. I look forward to working with you guys and I'm proud to be a sponsor on SC Ducks.


Tripp Robinson (AKA BCR3)
Business Development Manager
Accelerated Financial Solutions
Phone - 864-350-6994
Email -