First, just STHU, I know I've given you bowhunters a hard time in the past, it was all in fun. I had a bow 8 or 9 years ago, before the boys were born, hunted with it a few times but never killed anything. Sold it when Brady was born because I just didn't have the time to hunt, then Ryan showed up 21 months later, and I had even less time. They are 7 and 5 now and are going hunting with me and it has allowed me to get them in the woods and they are loving it.

Anyway, that's the back story, the here and now is that I want a bow. Want to go ahead and start researching so I can get my hands on it with plenty of time to get back in the groove before next September.

I don't profess to know much about the latest technology and I'm sure it has come a long way since the last time a picked one up. I don't want a "beginners bow". I'm looking at Mathews, Elite, Bowtech, Hoyt, etc. That's the big names I know. Anyway, my head hurts. School me. Pros, cons all that jazz. I'd like to deal with somebody in the Cola/Lex area if at all possible, for convenience.