Little Man killed his first ever ducks this am. He shot a drake woodie right off the bat. About 15 minutes later he splashed a hen mallard and a drake. I swatted the drake for him after he hit the water and righted himself. Right after that he finished off with a hen woodie. Mixed in with all his killing I managed to get 2 mallards (1 hen) and 2 drake woodies. The greenhead I shot and his hen mallard came in with one other and he shot the hen. I glanced over at him and he was lowering his gun so I shot the greenhead and they both splashed down within a few feet of each other. He was fit to tied to see his ducks so I went to get his greenhead and drake woodie and sent him after the two mallards which were on the edge of the canes near us. When I got to the other side of the swamp he yells at me that the greenhead I shot is swimming off so I tell him to shot the thing again..."I would love to but I left my gun in the blind!" was the response I got, LOL! I muffled some cussing and told him to just catch the damn thing. Didn't happen and we never found the dang thing. We lost the second woodie I shot as well Anyhoo, we left the swamp with all 4 of his ducks and 2 of mine. Sending his greenhead off to the taxidermist soon. Pics to come, my photo host site is uncooperative at this time.