Went to feed the goats yesterday and sit over a field. At 6:30, I got up into position and began a sit that I did not have much confidence in...

I was looking over a 65 acre field of chest high pigweed that was interspursed with soybeans and a border of kudzu. At 7:45, I again was glassing some thick stuff that was about 260 yards out when I saw horns walking through the grass. The stuff was so tall that all you could see was rack... When he looked toward me, I knew he was the deer I saw before the season came in... tall and wide.

Because he never slowed down, I did not have time to admire him or get to watch him for more than 15 seconds - start to finish. I put down the binocs and pushed the rifle in place. He was still walking and I held it on the front of his shoulder as he was walking and waited for him to walk into an opening for the shot.

The rest is history.

21" Wide
238 lbs (his nose was still on the ground)

My buck season is over on our place. Bring on the does. All I did was to pull the trigger... the easy part - the hard part was for TDOG and me to pass this deer for the last several years as he went from 16" to 20" last year. We all had a hand in this deer .

Oh yeah... This is the same deer that I wiffed last year at 70 yards trying for a neck shot. My rifle shoots high at that close a range. I found a couple of drops of blood and then nothing else for the 4 following weeks I looked for him. He had an unmistakeable hole through his ear that a near brush with a .270 gave him.

Awesome pics if someone knows how to post them.