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Thread: Dog Hunters take note

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    Originally posted by Trail'nTree:
    ...and until you prove me wrong shut the hell up and mind your own business.
    You simply haven't been paying attention.

    The elimination of dog hunting IS my business.

    Originally posted by Trail'nTree:
    Now that I think about it you have not made any positive contributions to the site!
    I'm not here to contribute. I'm here for enjoyment. Right now, I am enjoying the fact that your panties are twisted. Others enjoy this as well.

    You still have not made an argument and you have no ideas for "fixing" the problem.

    I saw something at the Shot Show the other day that might offer an answer. It was a GPS tracking system that can track up to 10 dogs at one time on a simple Garmin unit. The unit costs about $300 and the tracking system is $400 plus $200 for each additional dog.

    Now think of how this might help the private property owners (you know, the ones who don't want your dogs fucking up their peace, hunting, etc, etc), game wardens, yourself, and the rest of the dogging world.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2005
    north augusta


    I pose this question. I am a rabbit hunter. I occasionally deer hunt with friends but by no means am I an avid deer hunter. I have beagles and run 5 to 6 at a time. Am I next? I get well off the road and property lines, because I care about the dogs. Honestly, I don't want to think about how much money I have in dogs, maintenance (shots, feed etc.), or shock collars( Tri-Tronics 6 dog g2 unit among others), gas in trips trying to find a good dog (not going to the pound for a hound-like dog).

    I have to go with the dog hunters on this one. Its just a shame that people abuse dog hunting. I witnessed a deer dog club turn out on a property line. They have no control of where their dogs will go. That is just wrong in my opinion.

    When we rabbit hunt, our dogs hunt where we want them to hunt, but once running things will happen. Granted, rabbit dogs are different than deer dogs. Although we have the occasional deer chase, Tri -Tronics stops that, but it happens. What about coon dogs? They can cover some ground too. Will that be next?

    I don't know if it more a 2nd ammendment anti- hunting issue that will be next, but I fear it will be my sport next.

    Just keep this in mind when talking about the 2nd ammendment, it's purpose is not for hunting it is for the freedom of being able to hunt. Your right to bare arms is for killing men not just animals. Sounds radical, but how do you think this country was founded? Keep your powder dry.

  3. #43
    Join Date
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    Cola for now...


    TNT, you can't reason with these pricks. I'm sure they are dreaming of a time when dog hunting is banned and whacking off.

    The facts are they just like to gripe about everything. For instance "fuckin rubba-heads fucked up my hunt. Fuckin magnum pintail decoys, skybustin, jump shootin tame ducks, shit bo they were everywhere. It seems like us few assholes on this site are the only real hunters in the world".

    I'm sure all dog-hunters are out to conquer the world by running all the deer off of your tract of quality deer managed land one yearling at a time. Man shit, if you have a problem with dog-hunters, talk to them, or the landowner of the land they hunt on, or DNR. I'm sure there are idiots with dogs, but that goes with everything else in the world.

    I'm not saying overlook it, but deal with it responsibly.

    And as a doghunter, I would support anything to prolong it. If that means having to get an extra license or register each dog or whatever. I know our club doesn't break any laws and has limited complaints every 10 or 12 years (which that are promptly dealt with), so I am game for anything.

    With so much talk about how Texas dealt with things, move there or quit talkin about it.

    "A Texan is the lowest form of white man that there is."
    \"I\'d rather go to hell than Clemson\".<br /><br />QDM= Quantity of Deer Murdered

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Somewhere, SC



    The first question I have for you is how many hounds have you bought? I probably can answer that with. NONE
    When you start buying dogs you will see how much money and time goes into them. You will spend $200-$500 on a dog easy. People spend alot more money than that on feed and vet. cost. Some people treat there own dogs for different things.(wormes, snakebites, etc.)
    The bottom line of what I am tring to so is if you don't know and understand what youare talking about than keep your mouth shut.
    All dog hunters are not outlaws, but there are a few. You have just as many in still hunting as you do doghunting.

    I think all deer hunters should go on a good organized dog drive one time, before they start making an opinion about something.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    Originally posted by codsack:
    I pose this question. I am a rabbit hunter. I occasionally deer hunt with friends but by no means am I an avid deer hunter. I have beagles and run 5 to 6 at a time. Am I next?
    No. There is no correlation between the two. Again, this is not about hunting. This is about property rights.

    An effective law to protect these property rights will specifically prohibit the use of dogs to pursue deer for any reason.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Fish, if were smart enough to read my entire post, you would have read the sentence that stated "I could not give two shits about what you think". Sorry to bust your bubble, but "my panties are not in a wad over you".

    "News Flash", any tracking system can tell you were a dog is, but it does not bring it back!

    If this is such a property rights issue Fish, how much property do you own?
    Originally posted by scfisherman143: "we mostly have woodies and teal but today we had workable big ducks allot of them ringnecks buffleheads redheads teal woodies it was amazing\"<br /><br />Another brilliant future duck hunter in the making

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Mar 2002



    I love dog driving. Always have and hopefully always will. I don’t get to do it enough any more but it surely is fun.

    But I recognize there is a problem that needs a legislative cure if dog driving is to continue.

    I would like to hear many of you pick one of the following –because I honestly believe these are the only two choices:

    1) Do nothing to change the way dog driving is done and likely enjoy it for another 5 possibly 10 years and then it will be totally outlawed.

    2) Propose some legislative control over how dog driving is conducted to place significant penalties on those that create a poor image for dog hunters. Possibly allowing for the continuation of dog driving for another 40 years.

    Either 1 or 2 ?

    I think 2 must be pushed by the responsible doggers. I sure hope it is so I can take my children on their first dog drive.
    If you don't know me how could I offend you?

    If you are not a member of Delta or DU then you are living on duck welfare.

  8. #48
    DUCKMAN is offline Moderator - Traveling Duck Assasin
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    Sep 2001


    Damn Candork! Good post but the 5-10 will not happen as this issue is over ripe. Had dinner with two State Reps last night. They have been told by their seniors to avoid all issues with fur and feathers...however they have already been told that this issue can not be avoided any longer and action will occur this session!
    DUCKMAN<br /><br />\"If you love waterfowl - support DU and the Flyway Foundation!!\"

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    Originally posted by Trail'nTree:
    "I could not give two shits about what you think". Sorry to bust your bubble, but "my panties are not in a wad over you".
    [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] Really? I think you're fibbin about that.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Ned, I am not saying your sources are wrong, but this has been happening over and over the past few years and every time the subject is brought to action, it is pushed aside because no one wants to deal with it.

    I think there needs to be some changes and new restrictions put in place, but the problem will not be solved instantly. Georgia made a huge push for this and got the restrictions, which the the article referenced, and now the subject is not near as controversial.

    Even if you outlaw it, you will still have many of the same people you have now breaking the law and turning dogs loose places the should not be.

    Like Candor stated, I was raise doing this and I would like give my children the same opportunity.
    Originally posted by scfisherman143: "we mostly have woodies and teal but today we had workable big ducks allot of them ringnecks buffleheads redheads teal woodies it was amazing\"<br /><br />Another brilliant future duck hunter in the making

  11. #51
    Join Date
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    north augusta


    How will it be enforced? Say my pack of rabbit dogs get off on a deer, what will happen to me or my dogs?

    I asked a game warden one time about running my dogs (beagles) at night on WMA. Technically it is illegal execept the month of September. Coon dogs can do it year around at night of course. I asked how he would prove that my beagles weren't coon dogs that got off on that sorry off-game rabbits. He said he wouldn't want to try and prove it in court.

    My point to all this how would you enforce this, when you have a pack of rabbit dogs on deer? In that case I think you will probably have alot more "rabbit hunting" with big hounds going on.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    Originally posted by codsack:
    In that case I think you will probably have alot more "rabbit hunting" with big hounds going on.
    Big dogs can skirt the law under the pretense of Foxhunting. No one really shoots a fox so outlawing firearms during foxhunts should be written into current laws.

    As far as stopping rabbit dogs from running deer..........that's up to you. If the Ga laws are enacted,you would be subject to fine if your dogs got on someone else's property.

  13. #53
    DUCKMAN is offline Moderator - Traveling Duck Assasin
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    TNT - I have no idea what they are proposing or going to do....they didn't either just said that they have been informed by the leaders that it will be addressed this session. Tom Rhodes is now gone(defeated) and he was the number one blocker with his seniority since Larry Koon was defeated.
    DUCKMAN<br /><br />\"If you love waterfowl - support DU and the Flyway Foundation!!\"

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    I really hope it is adressed and not pushed aside because there needs to be some changes if the sport is going to be preserved for future genereations.
    Originally posted by scfisherman143: "we mostly have woodies and teal but today we had workable big ducks allot of them ringnecks buffleheads redheads teal woodies it was amazing\"<br /><br />Another brilliant future duck hunter in the making

  15. #55
    Join Date
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    Somewhere, SC


    I have been reading some of these posting and some people are blind to the fact of how these tracking systems work. If the dog is in the middle of a block of woods and there are no roads to get close enough to catch him than all you can do is wait. Alot of times if the land owner would let you go get your dog the problem would be over with. The longer you keep the dog owners from getting the dog, the longer the dog is on your land. Dog hunters don't let their dogs go on your land to piss you off. They want to keep up with their dogs so they can enjoy their day of hunting. Everyone needs to realize that doghunters are not all of the problem. Doghunters and Stillhunters all need to work together, if we don't the sport of hunting is going to be over for everyone. The animal rights people love to see use arguing among ourselves. Lets all try to keep hunting around for our children and generations down the line to enjoy.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Originally posted by foxhuntinsc:
    The animal rights people love to see use arguing among ourselves. Lets all try to keep hunting around for our children and generations down the line to enjoy.
    Jane Fonda doesn't write the rules. Ward Cleaver does. He's a reasonable person. Start using reasonable logic if you want to be taken seriously. Ward thinks Jane is as crazy as we do. Don't let Ward start thinking you are just as crazy as Jane is.
    "hunting should be a challenge and a passion not a way of making a living or a road to fame"


  17. #57
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Forest Acres, SC


    Below is the body of a letter I sent a Timber Company who allows dog hunting for deer on their lease of an adjacent tract where we hunt. It explains EXACTLY what our problem/issues are.

    Re: Cease & Desist Request
    Dog Hunting, XYZ Tract Chesterfield County
    Tax Map #&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;

    Dear Sir/Madam:

    My name is and I live in Columbia, SC. My wife’s family owns a large recreational tract of property in Kershaw County, across the river from your *** acre “***** Tract” in Chesterfield County. In speaking with one of your employees on the phone in late November, I understand that your company leases this property to a Hunting Club whose primary form of hunting is dog driving for deer. During our conversation I gathered that your company would not consider prohibiting or disallowing the practice.

    I am writing to inform you of fundamental property rights violations and continued ruined hunting that occurs as result of the dog driving.

    Every Saturday the club members release dogs to run deer for the purposes of driving them to awaiting standers. As a hunter and avid outdoorsman, I do not take issue with dog driving in and of itself. The repeated violations occur when the deer dogs, usually in great numbers, cross the Lynches River and continue pursuing and dispersing the deer on adjacent lands (in this case our land). We are avid deer hunters and we do not hunt with dogs but rather choose to still hunt, from elevated stands or from the ground.

    As I know you can imagine, nothing is more unnerving than the tranquility of a beautiful Saturday being broken by the sounds and echoes of dogs barking throughout the woods, then, ultimately, coming by your stand or down your roads chasing and spooking all the deer in the area. On Saturday, December 9th, the dogs were on our property from approximately 9:00 am until 6:00 pm that evening, running all over the land, chasing deer to and fro. Frustrating, to say the least, while we were attempting to still hunt for deer.

    I’ll share another frustrating story: It is common for the drivers to take quick shots at running deer, often unsure if the shot was a hit or a miss due to thick cover or lack of a blood trail. Although there are no statistics, I am sure the percentage of deer wounded and never recovered is high. Last year during our annual Thanksgiving weekend family outing, my brother in law and his cousin took our ATV down to the river’s edge to admire the scenery and enjoy the day. They got off the 4-wheeler and peered out at/over the bank of the Lynches River. My brother in law spotted a pool of blood in a small eddy of the river, and, upon further investigation, located a wounded doe lying on our side of the riverbank, staring at him. He quickly returned to camp, got me, we grabbed a shotgun and finished off the wounded animal as it lay on the river’s edge. This doe was wounded on the dog drive and would have suffered for days if we had not found her. That was a very dark day for us and really got the blood boiling. Yet another fundamental violation, in this case of the animal itself.

    Often the deer dogs end up at our lodge, uninvited of course. We are then forced to transport them off the property or tether them to a tree to keep them away from our dogs (all retrievers) and out of the trash cans. Often times these dogs take “refuge” at our camp when we are gone, and the dog drivers are forced to find the closest point possible to the property line and holler for their dog to come back. This can last from Sunday into Wednesday in some cases. No one wants to hear someone hollering for their lost dog when you are sitting in a deer stand or simply trying to enjoy an afternoon afield.

    I could go on about other disheartening days and stories but I will conclude…

    The purpose of this letter is to demand that XYZ Timber Company as Lessor of this property disallow the practice of dog driving on this tract of land. It is my contention that each and every Saturday our fundamental rights to quiet enjoyment of our property are violated. I would be happy to connect you with an organization that will help you locate another group of hunters to lease this land, possibly for more money than the current rate.

    I look forward to hearing from you regarding this matter.



  18. #58
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Pee Dee Rivers or M.I.


    So you have never lost a deer, due to a bad shot on your behalf???? HHHMMMMM I seriuosly doubt it. And it sounds like your a bunch or bird watchers and tree huggers. Maybe you should start hanging out at the zoo or Brook Green Gardens!!!!!!!!!
    31-28, 12-0, 3-2, 4-2!!!!!!!!!

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Pee Dee Rivers or M.I.


    I wonder if the timber company laughed as much as I did reading that letter????? Sounds like a well thought out case of BULLSHIT to me!!!!!!!!!!!
    31-28, 12-0, 3-2, 4-2!!!!!!!!!

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    as if my opinion matters........
    I make one trip a year to dog hunt with a friend of mine from clemson and I enjoy it. I feel this way about the deal.
    1) dog hunter pay a lease and there fore have rights on the land they lease

    And me being from the upstate have these comments as far as hunting in general goes
    1) we cant put out corn why can you.
    2) how come we cant hunt on aug 15 like you can

    And if you really want to start some shit we can go here
    I can afford a tractor to plant food plots so its not fair that my rich neighbor can plat and draw the year off of my land

    The more we/us/you/them try to change dog hunting the more certain all hunting traditions will change one day

    just my .02


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