Had a great meeting with the refuge this morning - got some info on needs and things they want to do this year, saw some duck and geese, even banded a couple.
We have identified a couple of areas on the Bluff unit to get planted this year - the immediate goal is 2 fields totaling about 30 acres that have not been planted and flooded in over 10 yrs - we need about $5k to get this done - of which we have over $3k right now - this part will get done this year - this was pledged this morning.
But we're not stopping there - other areas were identified and fundraising will continue.
Thanks to Mark P. for having us down; RN, JS, DA and artdevilish for taking the time to help.
The area we looked at to be planted and flooded this year did hold about 5k mallards 2 yrs ago when they planted just a couple of acres of it - so this can work!
Thanks again to all that have showed their support - together we'll v get something done that our kids will have to enjoy!
Speaking of kids - Mark said he would love to have anybody come - and bring the kids - to help with the banding efforts this month and next.
Also, they have alot of ducks coming to roost on a few ponds that he says is pretty awsome to see - we're heading back down next week one afternoon to see it for ourselves!
Thanks again,