September 9, 2004
SASKATOON - Four men from North Carolina have been fined a total of $27,000 after pleading guilty to nine charges under the Migratory Bird Treaty and the Saskatchewan Wildlife Act.

Archie Schoch, Fred Jones, John Corpening and Arthur Corpening were arrested last fall at the Saskatoon Airport on their way back to the United States.

From OCT. 28, 2003: Americans face illegal hunting charges
The men shot over 100 ducks while hunting at an outfitter's camp in the Cumberland Delta. The amount was double their allowed limit.

Brian Petrar

"When you shoot a large quantity like that, and you're not just one or two birds over, it's a serious violation," says Brian Petrar, head of investigations for the Canadian Wildlife Service.

The men also shot a raven, which is a protected species, and admitted to using illegal lead shot.

They have agreed to pay the fines and will also give up thousands of dollars worth of hunting equipment.

Petrar says the men chose Mistik Lodge Outfitters based on reports that it allowed hunters to kill more than their legal limit.

The outfitter owner and guides face a total of 189 charges. Some of the American hunters are expected to testify against the outfitter.

That case willl be heard next March in Cumberland House. Assholes.