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Thread: Thursday 'CSI' Storyline "Canned Hunts"

  1. #1
    Mergie Master's Avatar
    Mergie Master is offline Dedicated Tamiecide Practitioner
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    Saluca (not Saluda)


    Now I don't care for canned hunts, wouldn't go on one if it was free, but I don't like the idea of a popular television show doing an anti anything when it comes to hunting. I'd bet my bottom dollar they aren't going to make a very big distinction between canned hunts and real hunting! --MM

    From an email:
    Tomorrow night, America's #1 rated TV drama, CSI, will feature a storyline about one of the ugliest forms of animal cruelty, canned hunting. Canned hunting is the killing of a fenced-in animal who has no chance of escape, for the sole purpose of
    obtaining a trophy. That's right: animals -- often tame, exotic mammals -- are put into an enclosure for rich individuals to "hunt." It is as horrible as you can imagine.

    Learn more about this outrageous "sport" here:

    In the CSI episode, which airs Thursday, February 10, on CBS (check your local listings for exact times), characters investigate the killing of a Kodiak bear found in the Nevada woods. Evidence leads them to discover that the bear was killed
    during an illegal canned hunt. This is critical public exposure for an animal protection issue that deserves serious attention -- and you can help to make an even bigger impact.

    1. Take action to stop canned hunts now. U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) recently introduced the Sportsmanship in Hunting Act, which aims to halt the interstate traffic of exotic animals for the purpose of killing or injuring them for entertainment or trophy collecting. To contact your U.S. senators today and ask them to co-sponsor this legislation,
    click here:

    2. Tune into CSI on Thursday, February 10. Take this unprecedented opportunity to educate someone you know about canned hunts: Invite them over to watch the program, and use our free viewer's guide about canned hunting to let them know the
    tragic truth behind this television drama. Then urge them to join you in taking action to stop canned hunts.
    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

    "I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    Yeah, MM. I would agree this is not a good omen. These types of people would restrict all kinds of hunting in various forms, not just canned hunts, if given the opportunity. I am convinced that enough people continue to "sell" animals to "hunt" we are only looking at the tip of the iceberg here. Marg Helgenberger is a hotmamahooker, though, so I shall have to watch! LOL.
    At least I'm housebroken.


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