Ask and ye shall receive, right?

Because of all the PM's and all the e-mails from you guys, I asked JAB if we could have a health/nutrition/fitness forum. He and Admin obliged so here we are.

This isn't just about CrossFit or just about Paleo. There is more than one way to skin a cat (all cat skinnin' questions should be posted in the Swamp btw) so feel free to tell us about your way. CrossFit and paleo works for me but that doesn't mean I don't want to hear about what works for you. And there may be others that like what you're doing too.

So lets assume you want to get started but are literally coming off the couch. Where do you start? Well there is nothing like using your own body weight. Sit ups, push ups, air squats and yes, burpees. There are always burpees. But if you wanted to increase the variety of your work out by ten fold all you would need to do is add a few pieces of real cheap equipment to your garage.

What I would recommend is:

A jump rope, a pair of 35# kettle bells or dumbells, a 6' section of 1" pvc pipe, a medicine ball (15 or 20 lbs) and a 20" or 24" box (or something you can jump up on that is about that high). For equipment for a home gym start at Play it Again sports or some similar used equipment facility. One persons failed New Years resolution is your cheap way to healthier living. The point is you don't have to got to or have access to a CrossFit gym or any gym for that matter to get moving, get fit and not get bored to tears.

Also I, and others, will be posting WODs (Work Out of the Day). Don't get discouraged because you either don't have the equipment or don't have the fitness/skill level to do what is posted. That is where modifications and scaling come in. Don't let your ego keep you from moving. If you don't want to ask about a modification or scale on the open forum then PM me. I take this very seriously and will keep it between us if that is what you want. That is a promise.

So with that being said, let the bread eaters get all their jokes and pokes out of the way then we can get down to the business of getting fit and staying alive longer without putting drugs in our bodies. Then after the bread eaters are dead we can go pillage their stuff and woo their women.