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Thread: SC Ducks Home WODs...

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    So who did the wall walks on Friday? How were they?

    SCD hWOD for 10 Oct 11...

    Warm up...

    200m light jog
    20 air squats
    200m jog
    20 mountain climbers
    200m half speed run
    20 sit ups
    200m sprint
    20 push ups


    For time...

    21, 15, 9 of

    Mountain climbers (left + Right = 1 rep)
    Over head squats (non weighted, use a broom stick or PVC pipe, shovel, whatever)

    Buy in and cash out with a 400m sprint (this means begin and end the WOD with the sprint). If you can't over head squat, sub/mod with regular air squats.


    3, 2, 1, GO!

    NOTE: Warm up is not for time (i.e. not as fast as you can do it) and should be done quickly but at a relaxed pace. WARM up. Not throw up. Save that for the WOD.
    Last edited by Glenn; 10-10-2011 at 02:17 PM.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    SCD hWOD for 11 Oct 11...

    Warm up...

    2 rounds of...

    15 second sampson stretch each leg
    20 jumping jacks
    15 second mountain climber stretch each leg
    10 burpees


    For time...

    100 Burpees

    3, 2, 1, GO!

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Petaluma CA / Moncks Corner SC


    Fantastic sticky!! I'm starting at the beginning and obviously won't catch up but wanted you to know these posts are greatly appreciated!! Don't stop!!
    Living in Moncks Corner but looking forward to moving back to the West Coast in 2020 where there are more ducks and less duck hunters!! LOL

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    No worries. Add some basic equipment and we can mix it up a lot. Jump rope, 20" and 24" boxes, kettle bells (35#) and make yourself a sand bag.

    Any questions about any of the WODs just shoot me a PM.
    Last edited by Glenn; 10-11-2011 at 08:48 PM.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    SCD hWOD for 12 Oct 11

    Warm up...

    2 rounds of...

    20 yard broad jumps, land in a full squat
    20 sit ups
    20 yard bear crawl
    20 push ups


    10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 of jumping air squats and push ups.

    You will start with 10 jumping air squats, then do 1 push up. 9 JAS, 2 push ups. 8 and 3 and so on until you do 1 jumping air squat and finish with 10 push ups.

    Range of motion is, as always, chest to deck with a hand flash for push ups. Butt below parallel and feet leaving the ground at the top of the squat for jumping air squats. This is meant to be explosive! Really concentrate on driving out of the bottom of that squat off those heals and exploding through the top. Open those hips up and generate some power. This is a quick one so no fuckin' around. Smoke this thing! Questions? No?

    3, 2, 1, GO!

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    SCD hWOD for 13 Oct 11...

    Warm up...

    Shoulder mobility (Pass throughs with pvc or broom stick)
    30 sec small hand/arm circles forward/30 sec backward (arms straight out, palms out)
    30 sec big circles forward/30 sec backward
    20 yards of butt kickers (down and back, so 40 total I guess)
    20 yards of high knees (same deal, down and back)


    Tabata lateral jumps, push ups and sit ups.

    Tabata is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds. You will start with lateral jumps (over an object, both feet leaving and hitting the ground at the same time, getting feet at least 12" off the ground) and go for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, doing 8 rounds of work. After you 8th round of 10 second rest you start with push ups, 20 on/10 off, for 8 rounds. After you 8th round of rest in the push ups you start with sit ups, 20 on/10 off, for 8 rounds. So the rounds run consecutive. No rest, except for the 10 seconds, between each movement. Don't wander off and go get water then come back 5 minutes later. No hand flash on this push ups but maintain plank posture and go chest to deck. Score total reps.

    Questions? This can sound a little confusing but it really isn't. But don't be afraid to ask.

    3, 2, 1, GO!

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
    No worries. Add some basic equipment and we can mix it up a lot. Jump rope, 20" and 24" boxes, kettle bells (35#) and make yourself a sand bag.

    Any questions about any of the WODs just shoot me a PM.
    Sand bag?

    How heavy? Big?
    "Freedom Isn't Free"
    _Spc. Thomas Caughman

    Quote Originally Posted by Dook View Post
    Go tigers!

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by turbo View Post
    Sand bag?

    How heavy? Big?

    Oooo, excellent question. Here's what you do. Hustle down to the A/N surplus store. Get yourself a GI issue duffle bag. Cheap as hell. Then, go and get you two sacks of that "play sand" at the Home Deeper or Lowels, as folks around here call 'em. Or sand from any source. next get you a box of those thick mil contractor trash bags. Big thick heavy duty things. And a roll of duct tape.

    Measure out 10# of sand. Pour it into the contractor bag, even across the bottom from side to side. Then roll that like a big ol doobie and tape the ever lovin' shit out of it. Repeat 9 more times. Now what you have are 10, 10# plastic sand tubes. Put these into your A/N duffle/sea bag. You can add or remove in 10# increments from as low as 10 up to 100#s as you progress or depending on the WOD. Cheap, easy and very good fitness tool.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Oct 2007



    Will do.

    Thanks for the the explanation!
    "Freedom Isn't Free"
    _Spc. Thomas Caughman

    Quote Originally Posted by Dook View Post
    Go tigers!

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by turbo View Post

    Will do.

    Thanks for the the explanation!
    No worries. Cheap and very easy. Even cheaper if you have access to a lot of free sand. This is how we make them at the gym.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    SCD hWOD for 14 Oct 11

    Warm up...

    2 rounds of...

    20 yards of inch worms (no push ups during these)
    20 push ups
    20 yards of duck walks (Get down in the bottom of your squat position and, well, walk)
    20 air squats


    With a 20 minute running clock...

    Max effort push ups
    Every time you stop, rest on a knee or quit the movement, sprint 200 meters.
    Score total number of push ups.

    So how this works is at 3, 2, 1, go, you start doing push ups to muscle failure, whether that be 5 or 20 or 50. As soon as you stop take off on a 200 m sprint. When you get back, drop back down and start doing push ups to muscle failure. Reapeat for 20 minutes and score your total number of push ups.

    Questions? No? Make this thing your bitch, then crack a beer, have a relaxing weekend and do something/someone savage! Everybody ready?

    3, 2, 1, GO!

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    SCD hWOD for 17 Oct 11

    Warm up...

    10 burpees
    20 yards of broad jumps
    10 push ups
    20 yards of walking lunges

    x 2 rounds.


    10 min AMRAP...

    10 lateral jumps (12" height. Over and back = 1 rep)
    10 push ups

    Rest 3 minutes

    10 minute AMRAP

    200 m sprint
    15 air squats.


    3, 2, 1, GO!

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    SCD hWOD for 18 Oct 11

    Warm up...

    2 rounds of...

    15 second toe hops (jumping up and down. Knees and hips stay open. Just pushig up with your toes. Couple inches off the ground. Touch and go.)
    15 seconds high jumps (trying to bring knees to chest. Get 'em as high as you can)
    15 seconds mountain climbers
    15 seconds hand stand holds


    For time...

    50, 40, 30, 20, 10 reps of...

    Mountain climbers (left+right=1 rep)
    Sit ups (Feet together, legs butterflied)

    3, 2, 1, GO!

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    SCD hWOD for 19 Oct 11

    Warm up...

    2 rounds of...

    15 second sampson stretch each leg
    15 second mountain climber stretch each leg
    400m run


    20 min AMRAP of...

    10 burpees
    20 stationary lunges

    Cool Down...

    30 second high plank hold
    30 second low plank hold
    15 sec right arm up
    15 sec right foot up
    15 sec left arm up
    15 sec left foot up
    30 sec low plank hold
    30 sec high plank hold

    This is with a continuous running clock. No breaks. Move from one hold to the other without knees touching ground. Keep shoulders and pelvis square to the ground/floor.


    3, 2, 1, GO!

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    SCD hWOD for 20 Oct 11

    Warm up...

    2 rounds of...

    10 lateral jumps (over and back = 1)
    5 burpees
    20 sit ups


    With a continuous running clock...

    5 min max push ups
    5 min max sit ups
    5 min max box jumps (object at least 20-24" in height. Hips fully open at the top)

    Rest 5 minutes...

    8 suicide sprints*. 1 minute rest between each set.

    *A suicide sprint is as follows; place an object 5, 10 and 15 yards from your starting point. At 3, 2, 1 GO you sprint to the 5 yrd mark, touch the ground, sprint back to starting position. Sprint to 10, touch then back. Sprint to 15, touch then back. That equals ONE suicide. Rest one minute and repeat for 7 more reps.

    Any questions?

    If not then 3, 2, 1, GO!

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    SCD hWOD for 21 Oct 11

    Warm up...

    2 rounds of...

    200m jog
    20 jumping jacks
    30 second hand stand hold


    For time...

    10 burpees
    20 lunges
    30 push ups
    40 air squats
    50 sit ups
    40 air squats
    30 push ups
    20 lunges
    10 burpees

    3, 2, 1, GO!

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    SCD hWOD for 24 Oct 11

    Warm up...

    2 rounds of...

    20 yard broad jump squats (Broad jump landing in a full squat)
    10 lateral jumps (12" Height, over and back = 1)
    10 push ups


    For time..

    400m sprint, then...
    21/15/9 reps of
    Lateral jump burpees
    Over the box jumps (24" height, scale height as needed and feet stay together going over, knees to chest)
    400m sprint

    So at 3, 2, 1, GO you are going to sprint 400m then do 21 lateral jump burpees, 21 over the box jumps, 15 LJB and 15 OBJ, 9 and 9 then finish with another 400m sprint.


    Git it then

    3, 2, 1, GO!

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Sorry about not posting a WOD yesterday. I got busy at work and forgot and I don't innerweb at home. That being said, Fuck you all and get some of this buttercups...

    SCD hWOD for 26 Oct 11

    Warm up...

    2 rounds of...

    10 burpees
    50 yard sprint
    20 lunges
    50 yard sprint


    Tabata sprints, 8 rounds. In this exercise you will run flat out like you are being chased by a bear for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds for 8 rounds.

    5 minute rest, then...

    1 burpee every minute on the minute, increasing by one each minute, until failure. At 3, 2, 1, GO! you will do one burpee. When the clock hits 60 seconds (1 minute) you will do two burpees and so on it goes until you are unable to do the alloted amount of burpees in that minute.

    Questions? No? Then hike up your big girl panties and get some.

    3, 2, 1, GO!

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    SCD hWOD for 28 Oct 11

    Warm up...

    2 rounds of...

    20 yards of high knees
    10 squats
    20 yards of butt kickers
    10 push ups

    3 rounds for time of...

    30 push ups
    30 jumping air squats
    30 sit ups

    Crush it hard and go do some primal shit this weekend. Slay the dragon, ravage the wench and empty the cask!

    3, 2, 1, GO!

    I won't be near a puter next week so no posted WODs for a while. Go back and revisit some of the older WODs or do your own routine. If you do your own remember to keep it simple, varied and do it at a high intensity. Nothing should take longer than 20 to 30 minutes. Warm up too.

    Keep kicking ass!

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    All right you lazy sacks of shit. I'm back so lets get back to doing some work. I'm going to assume by now that all of you have at least bought/made a jump rope by now. If not, get one because I'm going to start tossing in some jump rope work. In two weeks I will start tossing in some kettle bell stuff. They are cheap. Academy, Dick's, Play It Again sports. Go and get a set of 35 lb'rs. That being said, let's get busy shall we.

    SCD hWOD for 9 Nov 11...

    Warm up...

    2 rounds of

    20 mountain climbers
    40 yard sprint
    20 sit ups
    40 yard sprint


    20 min AMRAP...

    30 double unders (jump rope passes under your feet twice for each jump)
    20 push ups
    10 box jumps (24" height)

    Modify double unders with single unders 3:1. Meaning 3 singles equals one double so you will do 90 per round. If you don't have a jump rope do lateral jumps, 12" height, over and back = one rep.

    Chest to deck on push ups with a hand flash.

    For box jumps modify height as needed.

    As always hit me with any questions you may have. FYI, I did this one this weekend at my mothers and used a 28" retaining wall in her drive way for box jumps and got 8 rounds even. Push ups got on me toward the end.

    Ready? 3, 2, 1, GO!


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