SCD hWOD for 28 Oct 11

Warm up...

2 rounds of...

20 yards of high knees
10 squats
20 yards of butt kickers
10 push ups

3 rounds for time of...

30 push ups
30 jumping air squats
30 sit ups

Crush it hard and go do some primal shit this weekend. Slay the dragon, ravage the wench and empty the cask!

3, 2, 1, GO!

I won't be near a puter next week so no posted WODs for a while. Go back and revisit some of the older WODs or do your own routine. If you do your own remember to keep it simple, varied and do it at a high intensity. Nothing should take longer than 20 to 30 minutes. Warm up too.

Keep kicking ass!