Hello All,

The FLYWAY FOUNDATION is pleased to announce a work/activity/video day this year on Saturday, August 6th at Belle Grove Plantation in Columbia. It will start at 8:00 and continue until all is done. As usual we are making hen houses but this day will include a lot more that you don't want to miss.

We are developing some educational material that we can provide to other duck organizations around our Flyway. This project is going to be the production of a CD called "1000 Hen Houses in a Day" and we want YOU to be a part of it.

On Saturday (8/6), we will film how we set up for our workday and also how we prepare each step in the manufacture of our hen houses. We feel this is necessary for the benefit of South Carolina duck hunters and the future of the Flyway Foundation.

These are our goals:
1) We would like to see other "chapters" of the Flyway Foundation in different locales that will be self sufficient and make hen houses that will ultimately benefit SC duck hunters.
2) We have discovered that our process and know-how has enabled us to make more hen houses of higher quality than anyone else in the country, in a very short time period.
3) We are trying to figure out how to get more hen houses out with less cost. As shipping costs rise we have to look for better ways to do this rather than just make more houses in SC and ship up north.

This is our biggest step to becoming sustainable and broadening our reach.

Our hen houses this year will be sent to Pennsylvania and western New York.

ALSO on this day - after our houses are made:

1) we will have fishing in the Belle Grove ponds
2) a great lunch
3) and of course...great fellowship.

Please let us know who will be there so we can plan lunch accordingly - simply reply to this thread and say
"in with 4 folks" or whatever to let us know how many mouths to feed.

Thank you for your desire to help. Thank you for your attention to the needs of SC duck hunters. Thank you for your participation. We look forward to seeing you on August 6th!