Bible Study Verse:

Matthew 6:33

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. (NLT)


A few years ago my life was a very scheduled event. I was working and going to school fulltime while trying to balance family time. Many days were hectic and the only time I got to spend with my sons was taking an evening stroll.

We lived in a city of 600,000 at the edge of the mountains and would take our dog Nala out for a walk. We observed just about every animal in the Rocky Mountains inside the city limits during those walks. It was then that we prayed, discussed their day, the future, the past, and, of course, the animals we saw. (Marshall M)

Action Point:

Jesus understood what it was like to be busy with the demands of responsibility. He took time to pray and seek counsel from his Heavenly Father. This relationship Jesus had with His Dad was his highest priority.

God wants us to seek His kingdom first. Make it our highest priority, and the rest of life's responsibilities will be handled by Him.

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day:

When you encounter wildlife in an urban environment always assume that the animals are wild. Use the same precautions as you would in the woods. Most often animals that come into the city are looking for food. Be alert to possible food sources in and around your home including securing your trash.