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Thread: Daily Sportsmen's Devotional December 8, 2009

  1. #1
    Mergie Master's Avatar
    Mergie Master is offline Dedicated Tamiecide Practitioner
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    Default Daily Sportsmen's Devotional December 8, 2009

    Bible Study Verse:

    Ephesians 3:14-15

    For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. (NASB)


    My son and I were moving into a ground blind near a watering hole in the pre-dawn hours for a day of deer hunting. As we approached we could make out a large animal's figure drinking from the water. "Too large to be a deer," I said, "it must be an elk." As we came closer, the moonlight brought the image into view. It was a haltered mule carrying a pack saddle. We attempted to wrangle the monstrous image, but were not able to get close enough to capture him.

    We sat in the blind for just over two hours without seeing anything except our pack mule friend grazing nearby. Then just as my eyes began to get heavy a six by six bull elk approached. We watched in amazement as this magnificent creature approached the water hole so late in the morning. The mule watched from a distance with what appeared to be no more than passing curiosity. Suddenly a herd of deer emerged and approached the water.

    For some reason the deer spooked the elk who turned and bolted from the water with the mule in tow. The faster the elk ran to get away from the following mule, the faster the mule pursued. The large bull disappeared, crashing through the trees with a clumsily clad mule feverously trying to keep up. Instantly, what started out to be a sleepy two hours in the blind had transformed into an all out mule pursuing, elk fleeing, and deer bewildered morning. (Brett M)

    Action Point:

    Horses and mules are herd animals. They find comfort, support, and protection by being in herds with other horses and mules. They dislike being alone to the point that in this case, our wayward mule friend sought to herd up with the unsuspecting and rightfully confused bull. So instinctive was his desire to herd he picked the first semi-qualified four legged creature to come along. When this mule separated from his herd, he left behind the strength and power that went with it.

    It is important that we believers stay in constant contact with other believers (family members). Paul goes on further in Ephesians 3 to say that we find strength and power through His Holy Spirit as members of His family. Additionally, we find association, camaraderie, and support.

    Like the mule when we remove ourselves from God's family, we remove ourselves from the strength and power His Holy Spirit affords.

    Sportsmen's Tip of the Day:

    When building a ground blind, make sure that you build the blind completely around you. Many blinds conceal the hunter only from the front, leaving their backside exposed. Many a time I have had animals approach my watering hole from directly behind me, sometimes passing within a few feet.
    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

    "I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    good word brother

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    moncks corner


    i love reading these everyday!


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