Bible Study Verse

Mathew 5:48

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (NIV)


Are you a perfectionist? I got to thinking that some fly fishermen tend to lean in this direction. I have heard that some surgeons like to fly fish, and they are good at it too because they know how to tie good knots; like the ones they use in surgery. Most doctors tend to be perfectionists, (we hope).

I call myself an imperfect perfectionist. I want everything perfect, but I tend to mess things up more than I make them perfect. Could it be we all have the same goal to see things perfect, but are frustrated that hardly anything we do or achieve measures up to our high standards of what we believe they ought to be? (Tom H)

Action Point:

Give up trying to be perfect! Do the best you can; but allow God to live His perfect life through you. The command in Mathew 5:48, is impossible apart from the enabling power of Christ who indwells in each true believer.

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day:

Take a camera with you each time you make a special trip to the lake, stream, river, or mountains. You will usually see the neatest things outdoors and it's fun to capture them on film.