You boys all know what I do for a livin so I won't weigh in on the habitat soapbox.......

Glad to see a good hatch this year. More matches and a good two way disk might keep them around.....

My old 12 yr old GSP pointed three coveys on 80 acres two weeks ago. I've been managing this spot for 5 yrs and always had one covey. Hopefully a few of these new birds will stick around and establish a home range that overlaps my property......

I got REALLY spoiled in Missouri and so did my pointers. We had 97 coveys on 7,000 acres and most of it was out my back door. Good ole days....Haven't pointed a wild covey with a gun in my hand in over 5 yrs up here around Sedgefield.....

Wish I could have been around in the 60's when they were thick as flies! I was just a twinkle in daddy's eye