Try #2 - tackling one 8 pound butt.

The victim - the day before the cookin', I put a rub on. I had brined the butt for over 24 hours, took it out, coated it in molasses....

Then put the rub on. This was maybe an error as we'll see later. You live and learn.

Anyway, set up the same way, but made error #2.... I set the butt on the middle rack:

And let it roll... (note that the cooker is beginning to get that seasoned look to it)

I had to run an errand and got side-tracked - it cooked about 30-40 minutes longer than the cook book called for. I was shooting for a 195 degree internal temp, but missed it a bit.

Now, time to pay the piper for Error #2 - trying to lift a well cooked butt OUT of the cooker without it falling apart. If I had put it on the top rack, it would have been simple. As it was...

Fail! (But who cares at this point, it's about to get pulled and chopped)

Wrap, rest, then sat at the table. Pulled, chopped, and into a bag-lined crock pot to keep it warm for the dinner crowd. (Those bags are the cat's ass....)

Gather the family, get the sauces out for "diner's choice" (I used Shealy's pepper and vinegar) and plate it up!

The Final Analysis on the butt.... It was great - awesome. The outer layer with the molasses sorta burned. I won't use that technique again (it is probably better for a long-slow process... this sucker gets hot). Still, I would do it the same way (maybe with a less spicy rub so the family won't wuss out) in all other regards.... it would have been done to the perfect temp in 4.5 hours. For an 8 pound butt, that rocks. The bone simply fell out clean.