Bible Study Verse

1 Corinthians 10:31
Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for God's glory. (HCSB)


My first real bay boat was a 22-foot Kenner that I found for sale in the newspaper. The price was too good to be true, but I called anyway and set up a time to see and ride in it. It was in great shape, and just the right price for my budget. I caught a lot of fish out of that boat and had a lot of fun. It was by the grace of God and truly a blessing that I was afforded such a great vessel; and, I wanted to give something back to God. So, I had a decal made that read: "Matt. 4:19" and "Mark 1:17". I stuck one verse on the port side and one on the starboard. They both say the same--"Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." You would be amazed how many anglers told me they went home and read those verses.

I sold that boat a year later after being approached by Maverick Boat Company and offered a spot on their Pathfinder Pro Staff. The Lord blesses me with a new boat every year as a part of Maverick's agreement. (BG)

Action Point:

Give EVERYTHING to God and watch what happens. So many Christians miss the blessings the Almighty wants to bestow on us because we do not honor and acknowledge His majesty in our daily lives. Thank Him today, right now, for just being God.

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day:

Check the battery on your boat before you hit the water, especially in the Winter and early Spring when you get back into action after months off the water.