Bible Study Verse:

1 Peter 4:10-11
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. (NIV)


As a Hunter Education instructor I am privileged to help many people with a variety of instructional needs. There's the youngster that is taking the class in order to hunt big game in Arizona, or maybe the teenager that wants to learn how to be safer in the field. There are always students that are there because Mom or Dad has made the class a requirement for shooting and/or hunting. Many times there's the Dad that is there with his child, but who all ready "knows it all" and is just there to be supportive of his child. Without exception, Dad always comes around and is a star student by the end of the class! On several occasions, I've had moms that have never fired a gun and let me know that they are a little afraid of the guns. They are the most fun. By the end of the field day where they are required to shoot, I have to pry the gun out of their hands!

None of these prepared me for a recent conversation with a student. A father and two of his children were in my class. This individual shared with me that he had done OK with the field day and hadn't had any negative repercussions from shooting and smelling the gunpowder. A little puzzled, I asked him what was up. He then proceeded to inform me that he had witnessed his brother's suicide. They were alone at a shooting range with seemingly nothing wrong when his brother ended it all. Needless to say, I was set back on my heels by this story. I cannot begin to imagine what this man has gone through because of this event in his life. The student indicated how grateful he was for the class and my helping him get through his difficult memories. His children were both very supportive and were looking forward to shooting and hunting with their father. Needless to say, this instantly became one of my most cherished moments in Hunter Ed. To be a part of his story was a privilege beyond words. I was humbled to be in God's place for those few weeks and, unbeknownst to me, to be able to help one of His children. (Cliff S.)

Action Point:

All believers have been given gifts by God that we are to use in service to Him. I've been given the gift of speaking (practiced through many years of training) and being able to communicate with others. Be it sharing about hunting, firearm safety, or the grace of God, it is important that I use that gift for God's glory. You see, teaching Hunter Ed is a sideline, what I'm really there to do is to help others and to share God's love with them. Please pray for my classes, and also pray that God will make me sensitive daily to whomever He brings into my life and to whatever help they may be needing. It is vitally important that we use the gifts God has given us even when we aren't aware of someone else's circumstances. You never know when God has brought you into someone's life to encourage them in their walk with Him or to lead them into a personal relationship with Jesus. I would ask also that you would pray for this friend and brother in Christ. He's a good guy and is doing better every day. And, if you need help with struggles in your life, find a friend or relative that is a believer and let them share with you the love of Christ. Jesus is there for you, especially in tough times. Don't wait, give your life to Jesus today and experience His love and forgiveness in your life.

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day:

Pay attention to the people in your hunting camp. There may be someone there that needs help with a firearm, or some coaching on hunting techniques, a word of encouragement, or maybe something far more important. Share what you have learned over the years, especially with the youngsters