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Thread: My Cripple Goose

  1. #81
    SCTIMBER Coots


    I'll get you a picture of a stick tomorrow...

    I got one of these pieces of history for sale if'n you interested

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Marlboro County


    Fuckchop was good. and accurate. we do indeed need the big ass dead horse stick. this horse is dead the maggots come and gone. this is like a damned train wreck. it is hard to look away. i found nothing funny. i saw some very very unsafe behavior. i was taught to never ever run with a loaded weapon. i dont think a goose is worth that risk. i do firmly believe in recovering all downed game. and Spelly maybe not you, but someone did laugh just as that wounded bird crash landed when it tried to fly away. there was a lot of laughter and filming instead of the concern and safe action to recover the bird that i would have rather seen. i have been young, stupid, and if i was ever unsafe, i learned a swift severe lesson. you just do not get a second chance with these weapons we use. there are way too many "accidents" with hunting arms. for the record, i have rarely seen or read of a true "accident". having said all of this, you are guilty of a couple of things. one, you are young and you will eventually grow out of that. the second that i see is that you dont quite get it yet. i will be the first to say that i was guilty of both. i am not just busting your chops. on the other hand, i wouldnt hunt with you right now. one day you will go hunting and it will click. you will get it and figure this entire thing out. it will no longer be about the video, the pictures, the logos, the killing, or any of the other superficial bullshit. one day you will be having a day, maybe bad or great or average, and then you will go hunting and it will take on its meaning that keeps each of us going to the woods or water. we are lucky here. especially you. you can go an hour in any direction from your home and kill all sorts of game and catch all types of fishes. respect and appreciate that. for me, it went like this: i was having what at the time seemed like a "bad day". i have since realized that it is all perspective. anyway, i was having this day, it had been raining for 2 days. the weather broke. i took my first rifle that i bought with money from my first full time job and when to a stand that i set up in a hardwood bottom. i did my homework. i was looking forward to telling the story and taking the pictures. i sat for a couple of hours, from about 9 am until 1045 or so and saw all types of wildlife. late ducks, squirrels, rabbit, birds, etc. the clear weather had the woods alive. for some reason on this day i took notice of all of this and it was peaceful. my troubles were no more. i was at peace in the deer woods. then a good 8 point, heavy rack stepped out. i put him in the crosshairs and checked 4 and 4. shot and he dropped. not one step. 205 yards and he fell because i prepared and practiced and trained. i walked thru that field and as i got to the downed animal i saw life in his eyes, one blink, and death. i noticed that the hair on each vertebrae stood straight up as he passed, then his coat relaxed. it was at this moment that it clicked that i took another of God's creature's life. that demands that we respect the animals, the woods and water, our fellow sportsman, and the Creator of all of this. i will never again take it lightly when i harvest an animal. i know it is not about the logos or bragging boards. it is about our granddads and thier fathers and our sons and daughters learning this. it is about them enjoying this and preserving it all. it is about us protecting this wonderful thing that is hunting. it is a gift, we do not take it for granted. respect game. be safe, protect this land and your fellow hunters. leave it better than you found it. that day i got it and hunting has never been the same. be safe out there, respect all these guys and gals that are busting your chops. you deserve all the hell over this post. it was a mistake. dont make it again. i do understand how you thought it was funny at the time, and i think you probably have honestly changed your mind and understand what others are giving you. keeping plugging along, keep getting in the woods. you will have your day. and be safe out there.
    Last edited by duckandbuckhunter; 12-03-2008 at 12:20 AM.

  3. #83
    SCTIMBER Coots


    That is some good advice even if you are a seasoned hunter. Everytime I go hunting I learn something new, and sometimes go without a gun just for the enjoyment of it. I do tend to get frustrated with hunting at times, but sitting in a stand by myself is right peaceful, not having to deal with other people or anything else.

    Good post there d&bhunter

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Lake Wylie, SC


    have read some of this douche bags old posts and see why you guys talk to him the way you do,with that being said this particular incident isn't worthy of making a ta-do about...The funny part of the video is watching that dildo run after the bird, I dunno, but this kinda shit makes me wonder what will happen if I say somethin stupid on here, if there will be a fucking mutiny...I mean for fuck sake not giving him the attention would PROBABLY keep him from posting shit on here, but instead he gets his jolly's off by arguing with folk older than him... I would recommend this whole post for deletion...

    Last edited by BirdsTheWord; 12-03-2008 at 01:19 AM.

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Under the Roost


    Money says you wont post it at the Refuge..............Bank it..................

    I wish I could breathe life back in him, if I could I'd hunt him again tomorrow. - Ben Rodgers Lee


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