Bible Study Verse

Galatians 5:1
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm , then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." (NIV)


Recently, my family and I were backpacking through Isle Royale National Park, an island in the middle of Lake Superior. As we got off our boat and started to put on our backpacks, everyone began to comment about the weight that we were going to carry for the next 50mi. Although we were looking forward to our trip and the beauty that surrounded us, no one was looking forward to carrying the extra weight. The recommended amount for a backpacker to carry is one-fourth of your body weight. The problem for my wife and me is that our kids are not at an age that they are able to carry that much; so that means I, dad, get to pick up the slack until they are older. My pack started out at about 60lb--one-third of my weight. Let me tell you that there is a big difference between 45lb and 60! As the trip progressed, I found myself looking forward to breaks that we would take. However, the absolutely best feeling in the world came at the end of the day when we could take the packs off until the next morning. The weight was off, and it was a time to rejoice! (DM)

Action Point:

Weight is oppressive! It slows us down and causes us to feel miserable. Spiritually, many of us carry weight around every day--regrets from the past, feeling that we don't measure up, lack of direction for the future, financial problems, family concerns. Whatever the issue, it is a burden that we don't need to carry. Christ died so that these concerns, and also sin, would not reign over us. Turn to Jesus today, and ask Him to carry the burden. The joy of finally removing the pack will be unbelievable!

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day:

Moleskin is a lifesaver on the trail! If you have a boot or a pack that continues to rub on the same spot for hours on end, you can develop a sore in a hurry. If you do get a sore, place moleskin right over the top of it to keep the boot or pack off of it.