I’d bring a castnet as well. Lot of cool things caught in them which your kids would enjoy.
I’d bring a castnet as well. Lot of cool things caught in them which your kids would enjoy.
My wife made a trip right before iCast last year with a few of her girlfriends. The canals are loaded with exotics!!
Back on the West Coast in Northern California. Got four more years here and then I'm out in 2028!!
Throw an orange jerk bait for peacocks. You can only keep 2 I think. When you find them you can catch one every cast. A big one is 2 pounds but they are fun to catch. They’re a beautiful fish and no 2 look exactly the same.
Oscars are probably even more fun to catch. They’ll bite anything. But crickets are hard to beat. Take twice as many as you think you need.
I actually got some good info from a bass guide at the ramp. They are not secretive at all there.
Thank ya’ll
"If its better than cold beer and hot pussy it'll probably kill us all" ~ Rebel Son
I have a buddy that goes down there and he orders rubber crickets off of Amazon and 1 will last prob for a dozen or so bites before they have been torn apart. Take plenty of hooks too, as he said the Oscar's will bend hooks up hitting them so hard.
every expert was once a beginner