Sounds like bad luck, trimming will usually only get the outside fat cap. If you try to trim the inner fat/silver skin, you'll be cutting off the spinalis (which is the best part). I've had a few that was like that, but it was lower end of the spectrum in grade. They rolled up almost like a piece of bologna.
I've had great success with the prime whole boneless ribeye's from The Chef Store. I'll cut them to around 1-1/4" thick, trim them a little and then vacuum seal them.
My nephew was arguing with me on what was the best cut of steak, this dummy was saying sirloin...
His claim was ribeye's have too much fat and he hates fat. I told him he obviously has never had a good ribeye, but he still argued. So I told his arse to come over and I'd cook him a good one. He ate his words... and fat.... He said he has never tasted fat like that, and it tasted like butter. I just smiled and said "told ya so". Dang kids now days think they know everything.