Hydraulic clutch line. Got to love the GM engineers for this. I remember the days they didn’t run the line inside the car, more less behind the heater box.
Hydraulic clutch line. Got to love the GM engineers for this. I remember the days they didn’t run the line inside the car, more less behind the heater box.
More fuel = more boost!!
That seems excessive.
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That's like pulling the cab off a truck to get to one turbo bolt...
They should make engineers work on them after they design them.
The door hinges have studs. The top ones go thru the the bracket that holds the heater box in. You can’t get the box out without removing the doors. Good times
More fuel = more boost!!
Oh look another terrible Chevy design. After owning a 2015 Silverado and dealing with the many mechanical and electrical issues it had, along with Chevys 100% unwillingness to take ANY responsibility for faulty designs or to assist in repair, I can confidently say that GM can stick it where the sun don't shine and will never give GM or AC Delco another cent from my pocket.
Last edited by pluffmudder; 11-22-2024 at 09:03 AM.
Wow can your dad beat up his dad too....????
\"We say grace and we say maam, if you ain\'t into that, we don\'t give a damn.\" HW Jr.
Of your 56 owned gm trucks, how many sit in a shop needing servicing? I mean its cool you have 90% of your fleet from GM, but you never stated how many need regular shop hours to keep them up and running. This thread is about servicing and idiotic engineering of the GM brand, not who owns more than the other person.
Doing shit like that and taking the cabs off superdutys keeps the light on Kev! Keep up the great work!
Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.
maybe you should call me some day. maybe.
Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.