Whole post was beautifully said, but for sake of space, just wanted to quote that to say, I don't either, but we don't have to agree. Thats what freedom is about. As long as it doesn't encroach on our rights to live how we want to live (and that doesn't mean encroach on our feelings or beliefs about how others should live), then live and let live.
However, here is the kicker: If you live a superior life, its apparent to others. You don't have to convince people of it or concern yourself with how they live. They will see the product of how you live, and people will be drawn to it. To your point about Christians, if people actually lived like Christ, they wouldn't have to proselytize or argue, others would see by their works that they had something they wanted or would benefit from. Right now, the way we're trying to force our points of view on others, we are a bunch of 600-pound fatties telling each other what diet is the best one.