We've seen the power of prayer work and I've got a friend in need of some. He was at a work convention last week in FL and had a stroke. He's probably in his early thirties. It's been several days and there's still some swelling on his brain. Below is what his wife sent out this morning. Please lift a prayer up for Jamie.
Morning fam - surgery is back on the table. Neuro just said the slight increase day by day if that midline shift is cause for concern pushing further into the healthy brain. Said he’s walking a fine line right now & will make the surgery call by early afternoon. He’s gone from 10mm to 13mm and that was cause for concern. Said his case is extremely rare because of his age and the fact that he’s still swelling after day 3. Keep the prayers coming this morning for the decrease.
The actual surgeon just came in and talked to us and had me sign the permission form & gave me his direct number just in case. They’re watching closely.