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Thread: helene and climate change

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Bonneau Beach


    Our plant has has had flooding twice this year. Not in it, but all outside of it. It is built in a former low lying planted area. Since we took over that building 10 years ago, we have added on 3 times. Over 400,000 square feet now. Cleared another 3 acres for a new employee parking lot to hold over 400 employees. Then add in all the new warehouse construction that has popped up on the same street in the last 2 years. Before when there was 2-4 inches of rain, it went into the trees, and was absorbed into the ground with minimal runoff. Now it all lands on hundreds of thousands of square feet of roofs. Sent down a downspout, into a culvert and into a retention pond. Retention pond overflows and it is sent out to low lying areas that are now occupied. Let one of the culverts or ditches get clogged with growth or debris and situation is multiplied. It's a simple concept. Development and lack of proper maintenance is causing most of these issues. Not global warming.
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrother View Post
    I can eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a thought process better than the vast majority of you clemmings.

  2. #42
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    Wateree, South Carolina


    Quote Originally Posted by Goin Coastal View Post
    Our plant has has had flooding twice this year. Not in it, but all outside of it. It is built in a former low lying planted area. Since we took over that building 10 years ago, we have added on 3 times. Over 400,000 square feet now. Cleared another 3 acres for a new employee parking lot to hold over 400 employees. Then add in all the new warehouse construction that has popped up on the same street in the last 2 years. Before when there was 2-4 inches of rain, it went into the trees, and was absorbed into the ground with minimal runoff. Now it all lands on hundreds of thousands of square feet of roofs. Sent down a downspout, into a culvert and into a retention pond. Retention pond overflows and it is sent out to low lying areas that are now occupied. Let one of the culverts or ditches get clogged with growth or debris and situation is multiplied. It's a simple concept. Development and lack of proper maintenance is causing most of these issues. Not global warming.
    Well. Fucking. Said.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    1000 years is less than than a blink of an eye in regards to climate. The extremes of our weather are basically a mere 100 degrees apart. Imagine how perfect Earth has to be for humans to survive on her.

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    Beaufort Co.


    Quote Originally Posted by Goin Coastal View Post
    Our plant has has had flooding twice this year. Not in it, but all outside of it. It is built in a former low lying planted area. Since we took over that building 10 years ago, we have added on 3 times. Over 400,000 square feet now. Cleared another 3 acres for a new employee parking lot to hold over 400 employees. Then add in all the new warehouse construction that has popped up on the same street in the last 2 years. Before when there was 2-4 inches of rain, it went into the trees, and was absorbed into the ground with minimal runoff. Now it all lands on hundreds of thousands of square feet of roofs. Sent down a downspout, into a culvert and into a retention pond. Retention pond overflows and it is sent out to low lying areas that are now occupied. Let one of the culverts or ditches get clogged with growth or debris and situation is multiplied. It's a simple concept. Development and lack of proper maintenance is causing most of these issues. Not global warming.
    Have fun explaining that to a fuming blue haired liberal more worried about global warming than the death toll and widespread destruction.

    Well said!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chessbay View Post
    Literally translated to, "I smell like Scotch and Kodiak".
    "Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees"- Gen. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson

  5. #45
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    Ralph Gets It!!!!
    Gettin old is for pussies! AND MY NEW TRUE people say like Capt. Tom >>>>>>>>>/
    "Wow, often imitated but never duplicated. No one can do it like the master. My hat is off to you DRDUCK!"

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    I do agree there are too many people in the world. The “too many” drive under the speed limit camped out in the left lane. And they slow down to 35 mph on the interstate and cut on their emergency flashers during a light drizzle.
    Last edited by billyjack; 10-01-2024 at 08:56 PM.

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Never heard of the nexrad network. Anyone know what it is?

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    The Wild, Wild West


    Quote Originally Posted by MediaGuy View Post
    Climate change is real, very soon North American temperatures will drop dramatically and we’ll have blizzards that will knock out power, block roads, trap people in their homes. The northern and mid-western states will take the brunt of it mark my words.
    Liberals give me a headache.
    Can't happen soon enough! Bring it!
    “I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Nov 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by smitch320 View Post
    Have fun explaining that to a fuming blue haired liberal more worried about global warming than the death toll and widespread destruction.

    Well said!
    2th doesn't have blue hair! (My attempt at humor 2th, I'll explain it if necessary). I haven't read this whole thread, just catching up on talking points after a full day at work, then my little girl's softball game that they dominated!

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Aug 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Catdaddy View Post
    This is the 6th worst flood in the Catawba river basin.
    The first 5 were in a 28 year period between 1908 and 1936.
    There were 23 million cars in the world during that period. Today there are 1.47 billion cars.

    Before we blame cars for manmade climate change, they need to explain why it happened more frequently 80 to 112 years ago.

    Sent from my motorola edge 2024 using Tapatalk
    You have a viable point. At the risk of being called a climate denier I will also add the same scientists arguing global warming were saying we were slipping into an ice age, global cooling in the 70’s. So they change the phrase from global warming to climate change. Well the climate is always changing. We call it weather.
    Last edited by centurian; 10-01-2024 at 09:56 PM.

  11. #51
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    Bonneau Beach


    So, what climate change made Iceland green and Greenland ice? Or were the early mappers just being funny?
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrother View Post
    I can eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a thought process better than the vast majority of you clemmings.

  12. #52
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    Columbia, SC


    ugh. i'm not a liberal. I just have a brain.
    thanks to some of you for thought provoking answers. I tend to agree with something along the lines of Goin Coastal's plant scenario. It seems to at least be a part of the puzzle. While I also understand we have had hurricanes before, the results (to me) are a tad different. Certainly due, in part, to the number of people, cars, towns, etc affected.
    thanks to some of you for doing exactly what I expected and cementing the mathematical stereotype.

    Interesting discussion.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  13. #53
    Join Date
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    Wateree, South Carolina


  14. #54
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    Columbia, SC


    Initial analysis of the storm already suggests that human induced climate change played a significant role in the amount of rainfall dumped by Helene.

    One rapid attribution study claims that climate change caused over 50% more rainfall during Hurricane Helene in some parts of Georgia and the Carolinas.

    Another study found that cyclones similar to Hurricane Helene are up to 20% wetter over the south-east of the US and up to 7% windier in Florida's Gulf today compared to the past.

    It is well understood that a warming climate means a wetter world. That is because a warmer atmosphere holds more moisture, which produces more intense rainfall.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  15. #55
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    May 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    ugh. i'm not a liberal. I just have a brain.
    thanks to some of you for thought provoking answers. I tend to agree with something along the lines of Goin Coastal's plant scenario. It seems to at least be a part of the puzzle. While I also understand we have had hurricanes before, the results (to me) are a tad different. Certainly due, in part, to the number of people, cars, towns, etc affected.
    thanks to some of you for doing exactly what I expected and cementing the mathematical stereotype.

    Interesting discussion.
    You can’t look at a snapshot for climate. We are currently exiting the 5th ice age so it’s happened before. What killed the dinosaurs? Deleted Mack trucks?

  16. #56
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    Wateree, South Carolina


    The ancient underwater forests all around the world laugh at man made "climate change". So do all of the artifacts dredged up by trawlers between England and Europe. Earth's rotation around the Sun isn't a static circle, but as a self professed "scientist" you should know this...

  17. #57
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    Columbia, SC


    I realize many of you just cant help yourselves...and maybe I need to be more clear in what information I am trying to gather.

    I will try again:
    In this cycle of warming that in no shape or form was caused by humans, should we be more concerned with catastrophic weather events happening with increased frequency?
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  18. #58
    Join Date
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    Wateree, South Carolina


    You aren't going to "concern" yourself out of the weather, but you do you...

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    Why concern yourself with something that you can’t change. Biggest communist supported scam in history.

  20. #60
    Join Date
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    Camden, SC


    I haven't read the whole thread, but was gonna add my $0.02.

    I'm not going to drone on about global climate change. Is it happening? Yes. Glaciers are getting smaller. Sea levels are rising.

    Having said that, I think that we have greater problems on-hand -- that being people building, damming, and diverting water. Water is always gonna find a way "out." However, flood model software isn't foolproof. We keep building subdivisions, huge solar farms & industrial parks, widening (or building) interstates. Building retention ponds & man-made lakes to help ease the diversion symptoms can only do so much. Big man-made lakes basically shift storm patterns, as do large interstates.

    There's NO easy fix & the problems will continue to get worse, IMHO. We can't keep playing God and expect nothing to happen.


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