Our field in Anderson county has more birds than I've seen in a couple of years. I wonder if this tropical system pushed them to us?
Our field in Anderson county has more birds than I've seen in a couple of years. I wonder if this tropical system pushed them to us?
Killed 30 this morning in York County with my dad.
I have almost zero in my field in Spartanburg County.
Going to try it in the morning in Mitford
It’s easy to find. Published in scientific journals everywhere.
Here’s a novel idea. Why don’t you find something that proves that neonicotinoids, other pesticides, off label use of highly toxic herbicides( Paraquat/gramoxone), and yes aflatoxins, do not pose serious concerns to wildlife.
Note: If you approach it as narrow minded fucktard, like a lot of people on here, you will be wasting your time.
And I don’t even know who Jimmy is.
Last edited by AnythingFeathers; 09-21-2024 at 08:27 PM.
Damn you're sanctimonious! Nobody doubted that pesticides can be toxic. I wanted to see where he found anything that said it killed more birds than hunters. Jimmy.
Can't see um!
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Shot a public field today and surprisingly got a pretty good amount of action late. Managed only 2 though. Struggled to find the magic position. Many birds seemed to be about 10 yds too far. Will try again tomorrow at a secret field.
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Last edited by willyworm; 09-21-2024 at 07:42 PM.
Delta in a nutshell: Breeding grounds + small wetlands + big blocks of grass cover + predator removal + nesting structures + enough money to do the job= plenty of ducks to keep everyone smiling!
"For those that will fight for it...FREEDOM...has a flavor the protected shall never know."
-L/Cpl Edwin L. "Tim" Craft
Wow. You must be a real joy to be around.
Neonictinoids are a real issue to bees and pollinators. That class of chemicals mammal toxicity is extremely low hence why they are used in your flea and tick meds for your dogs.
I didn’t know that the South American country was so toxic but yes gramoxone is highly toxic and attacks the nervous system of animals. It has its use but we definitely use too much of it in most cropping systems. There are plenty of issues in modern ag that have lead to wildlife’s demise but in the same time they provide a helluva lot more food for wildlife than many alternatives.
As for aflatoxins, it is a bacteria that follows an insect infestation and/or drought. Not much you can do about a drought. I am sure something sprayed is causing aflatoxins in your mind though (I actually think plant breeding might have some bearing but I have zero proof and have just thought that based on other things I notice).
Bottom line your delivery sucks so try again.
There is no place for Gramoxone in a dove field. Just my $0.02.
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We shot yesterday. Very poor.
I was 3 for 4; kiddo was 3 for 5.
We left at 1030; I don't think a trigger was pulled between 10 & 1030. IIRC, there were 16 birds killed.
Went 3 for 3, my 4th and last shot was at one someone else winged and lit in a tree. He still got up and flew away.
Birds all but disappeared somewhere last half of the week.
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