So if and when T-Rump wins
What will all you that are already saying the election is "pre-rigged" "conspiracy" "stolen" "government controlled", etc. then be saying?
Oh, and I think if he doesn't win, one of those Yankee Dem Judges are going to give his ass some jail time and that is when you will see rioting like never before
Conservatives don’t riot, but they will shoot back I recon. So I heard. All I have is sticks and stones.
I'm beginning to think that Toof is to the politics forum what ECU is to the sports forum.
That and the hard right turn that was taken on the abortion stance in the last couple of years has him shook that he's gonna lose a fair number of women. That's why he's recently walked back some of the opposing the 6 week ban stuff after he caught the ire of the pro-lifers.
Don't judge popularity on the number of signs and flags you see as I suspect the Trump supporters view it as owning the libs and it kind of snowballs.
Trump will win.
Either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.
Last edited by ecu1984; 09-04-2024 at 09:10 PM.
Don't kid yourselves folks. There are a lot of people who vote for the candidate with the nicest personality. Trump won't get those votes. He has a talent for turning off voters with his in your face personality. There are still people out there offended by his mean tweets.
i didnt know this would be so easy
Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.