I don't have any solid data but it seems to me Paraquat affects the numbers of doves. At least for a few days. What say you?
I don't have any solid data but it seems to me Paraquat affects the numbers of doves. At least for a few days. What say you?
Maybe.....sometimes yes sometimes no
\"I never saw a wild thing feel sorry for itself. A small bird will drop dead frozen from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.\" <br />D.H. LAWRENCE
Is that the same stuff as Agent Orange?
Gramoxone/ Paraquat is deadly to about anything it touches. It is a cell destroyer. Starts working immediately and takes no prisoners. Read the label. There is a reason you need a special endorsement as an applicator to use or buy it. Though alot of places, from what I’m told, don’t ask for it.
If it is ingested it KILLS.
So if you put it on seed that a dove, or any other bird, eats whole it cannot be good.
Read everything you can before you use it.
We quit using paraquat to burn down before the season as we felt it makes birds leave and frankly I don’t want birds that may have ingested it (I know they frequent lots of places but I am doing my part). On the label it prohibits grazing of crop stubble to which it’s applied so in my mind that applies to doves.
Last edited by Southernduck; 08-19-2024 at 08:50 PM.
I’ve never really seen the benefit of it compared to the risk involved in using it. I’ve used it under a hooded sprayer with some decent success and regrettably used it in a backpack on phrag in my younger days. If I get cancer later in life I’m certain that’ll be the reason! A hot mix of glyphosate and 24d with a good surfactant is far safer and in my experience far more effective relative to safety.
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Conservation means the wise use of the earth and its resources for the lasting good of men. -Gifford Pinchot
The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it. -Thomas Jefferson
The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.
Are there any Paraguayans here?
At least I'm housebroken.
those birds that “left” ain’t coming back to any farm anywhere becaue they dead!
Windows Down!