I really thought it was a deep fake.
Cheap fake for sure. The Thump campaign should make that claim and see what the media says. Lol
The whole conversation was unnecessary. She’s claimed to be black since childhood. She’s been a member of a black sorority that my daughter and several family members belong to. Still, it wasn’t necessary to go into that. He was simply asked if she was a DEI hire. I suppose since my daddy was Bahamian, I’m only half black and half American
Btw, you won't hear me apologize often, so you may want to put that in your sigfile. ~Mergie
I will agree the whole conversation was unnecessary. Americans are only concerned with policies that affect them and their families. It's this stupid gotcha politics that turn off voters. The democrats orchestrated the whole thing to capture sound bites to use in political ads.
I don't care what him or Kamala think about DEI. I don't care what they identify as. I don't care who they choose to snuggle with. This country is in deep shit. I want to know what they intend to do to improve the current state of affairs.
I'll say this...Racism is alive and well, but Trump isn't one. You could tell the attitude on that stage from the first word the "journalist" uttered.
You are correct. No need to go into that by him or the "journalist". He did to go where no republican ever has. Probably part of the reason he's done better with minorities than any other republican in history. Dems are working double time. The booted the candidate that received the most votes ever for a candidate that finished dead last in her primary run. She's now the ONE.
no. you have the privilege of being whatever you want to be that is expedient at the particular time. you can claim victim status anytime you are losing or need it. us white people can only be racist or silent. I long for the days when statements were judged on their merit not the descriptions of the one who said it.
"Check your premise." Dr. Hugh Akston
Yall go ahead and vote for her. Just remember the last 4 years of double digit inflation, gotta get the jab or lose your job, 5 dolla gasoline and the list goes on. God bless your children
Gettin old is for pussies! AND MY NEW TRUE people say like Capt. Tom >>>>>>>>>/
"Wow, often imitated but never duplicated. No one can do it like the master. My hat is off to you DRDUCK!"
interesting observation:
D E I is now an offensive term to the left
Isn’t that what they were begging for and exactly what Joe promised and gave them as VP ?? “a woman of color”
(Hell, she came in last place in the field of 6, when she dropped out of the ‘20 primary)
Last edited by DoubleSprig; 08-01-2024 at 03:38 PM.
oh and
He should’ve asked that “journalist” to name Kamala Harris’ daddy. It was set right up on a tee…
(Maybe he’ll break that out on the debate stage one day)
- I also got a kick out of the water bottle incident during that same interview.
masterful trolling.
*The “who’ser daddy joke” would go over Toof’s head again.
Last edited by DoubleSprig; 08-01-2024 at 03:53 PM.
Let’s follow Teddy Roosevelt’s leadership. We are all Americans.
Less need or room than ever for ‘’ Hyphenated Americans’’. Roosevelt clearly wrote there is no place for such.
If a person needs to identify by a racial categorization, perhaps we have not come far enough after all. We are truly divided. Race doesn’t need to divide us further. Me being Cherokee - American hasn’t helped me yet. Huh. I wonder why that is. My ancestors were the indigenous people of this Country.
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F**K Cancer
Just Damn.
Cherokee Outlaw
first of all, I was just answering his question. I don't feel victimized at all that was my point and I am neither racist or silent. To disagree with that being the state of things these days is however, ignorant. Interesting how this triggered you. But hey never let facts and logic get in the way of a good agenda or narrative. Stop it with the ignorant leftist talking points. You are a master of the snarky gotcha quip on internet threads and seem to feel really superior swatting down all the Trump supporters. I'd be glad to have a debate / discussion on all of these issues but not on an internet forum where you can redirect, avoid, and spin everything typed.
She was DEI hire on several fronts. That's politics...appeal to a voter block. She is mixed ethnicity so she can spin that in multiple ways depending on the circumstance. I personally don't care about that. I do care about one's competency, character, and platform. Please spare us all a response w "But Trump..." It really is tiresome.
"Check your premise." Dr. Hugh Akston
Sorry to disrupt your echo chamber. Carry on.