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Thread: Red Snapper Season

  1. #41
    Join Date
    May 2008
    East Cooper


    Quote Originally Posted by trash2 View Post
    Ban trolling motors and no one would bottom fish, just like it used to be.
    Amen. People not knowing how to anchor on a piece of live bottom would weed out the good fishermen in a hurry. They’ll be catching sharks or nothing when they aren’t on the structure. When we had my big boat we anchored up while other guys had trolling motors & were right where we needed to be. The slip ring & pollyball makes heaving an anchor easy.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Mt Pleasant


    What trash and Tug say. Hi Ted.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Murrells Inlet


    Quote Originally Posted by SouthernWake View Post
    Why is it so critical to throw a red snapper in the cooler? Serious question. Are there no other fish available? Is the table fare that good? The regulations do nothing to prevent you from fishing for them.

    I have no stake in it but always curious if there was a reason people care so much beyond the “government tells me I can’t” reason.

    When there are too many to catch other species, it becomes a problem in fishing for other species. With the release mortality "estimates" from NOAA, it makes the fishing through/catching them an issue. Every fish you release technically goes against what you can keep next year because this years ACL is already met.

    When diving, there are more ARS than other species, they are voracious predators and eat a bait before other fish will. Often when diving, a school will come up and meet you in the midwater column.

    There is talk of a recreational permit for bottomfishing but it doesn't have a reporting requirement (ie another tax without a gain of information)

    Imagine when it blows 20kts here for two weeks and you don't get to pole a flat, the Coast from the OuterBanks down to Florida still get to fish for and catch red drum. This affects how you get to fish when it doesn't blow.

    Inshore fishing is more for fun in my mind. They aren't as good to eat as offshore. Less fuel burnt and easier access. When we go bottomfishing, I love the fight, but I'm there to target things I like to eat.

    Totally different mindset with access issues offshore SC. On a good year in SC, you get to go 15-20 times offshore if you have a job and can't fish every pretty day. In theory you could inshore everyday after work.

    A lot of recreational people fish 1-5 times a year. Some fish 5-15 times, fewer are 15-20, and a small percentage of rec guys go 20 times a year.

    No studies have been done on recreational fishing trips per year that I am aware of. They base it on license sales currently from the information I have gathered.

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    May River


    How about don't ban shit and let me do what I want with MY money!!! Lets just think about this statement for a min. Ban trolling motors, really. Y'all starting to sound like the damn turkey poets up in here. Just ban male decoys, ban fanninnig, corn, etc. Hell I bet you wish you had a trolling motor on your CC... Lets go a head and get rid of braid, electric reels, bottom machines, live well pumps, etc. Ban trolling motors, fuck me.... I have read some stupid shit on this site in the last 20 years and I think the members get dumber every year.

    How about get rid of NOAA and their silly ass regulations out my way and let me keep what bottom critters I want, go as fast as I want, and fish whenever I damn well please! LESS government regulation is what we should be fighting for. Not being more restrictive on the citizen.

    And yes, I can anchor over a small ass ship, ledge, or live bottom patch if i choose to. There is so much more to catching quality bottom fish than anchoring. Although a red snapper has to be the dumbest fish on the bottom and will eat anything. Taste pretty good, don't last for shit, get too mushy too quick, best fried.
    you aint did a dawg gon thang until ya STAND UP IN IT!- Theodis Ealey

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebel Yell View Post
    The older I get, the more anal retentive I get.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Pawleys Island


    Quote Originally Posted by Tugted312 View Post
    Amen. People not knowing how to anchor on a piece of live bottom would weed out the good fishermen in a hurry. They’ll be catching sharks or nothing when they aren’t on the structure. When we had my big boat we anchored up while other guys had trolling motors & were right where we needed to be. The slip ring & pollyball makes heaving an anchor easy.
    Ehhh, I’ve seen the catches some bring in with the TM, it’s still more luck than skill. Personally, fishing deep we rarely use the Rhodan. Comes in handy on the 100-150’ stuff. I’d rather not put the anchor barrel back on the boat. And if you’re going to do that we need to get rid of braid, tiny reels with 30# of drag, light rods with incredible power, hooks with razor points, livescan/structurescan/chirp, high res charts etc. go back to Senators with mono and fiberglass broomstick rods.

    What we need is sensible management of the resources and creel limits. The Fed Goobermint doesn’t need to be dictating the seasons or limits to SC/NC/GA/FLA fishermen. We buy state licenses, let the states set the seasons/closures. And NC/SC/GA sure as heck shouldn’t be governed with/by FLA.
    Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn't go so far as to call a dog filthy but they're definitely dirty. But, a dog's got personality. Personality goes a long way.

    You might take out a dozen before they drag you from your home and skull fuck you to death. Marsh Chicken 6/21/2013

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by b35w View Post
    Why in the ham sandwich would our fishery be lumped in with Florida? They are 2 completely differently fisheries.
    Bureaucrats did that. The reason this thread exists is because I asked the question, "Does the recent Supreme Court ruling take regulation responsibilities, like setting seasons, away from the NMFS?".

    But it goes deeper than seasons and limits. Did those assholes also set the zones? And if so, can the zones be challenged? Everything those mother fuckers have done should be undone and the agency dissolved.

    And how about that fucking manatee trying to tell us we can't exceed 10 kts because of a whale? That slag has got to be shut down.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    From Elizabeth Duffy

    “Chevron doctrine, and the bullshit agency rules and regulations that came with it, is dead? American muscle cars and nuclear-powered yachts here we come. I can’t wait for the 2029 Mustang. MURICA BABY”
    Last edited by Fish; 07-17-2024 at 11:00 AM.


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