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Thread: Wild Turkey Bill H4820

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by PBiz View Post

    Also, I just stepped in 8-10 poults too small to fly about an hour ago..

    So there’s that..
    I did the same thing on April 26th
    80-20 Genaration

  2. #82
    Join Date
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    A bigger hill above a smaller creek


    lots of perspective

    Last edited by GBelly; 07-09-2024 at 06:24 PM.
    A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!

  3. #83
    Join Date
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    upstate, sc


    Quote Originally Posted by trkykilr View Post
    So, I shouldn’t go hunt public in Florida for what reason? And I shouldn’t go to Maine for what reason? Or Michigan? Or hunt on a friend’s ranch when on a business trip in CA for what reason?

    So, which is it? You don’t want me (I get that we’re talking about me and I’m flattered) here calling for people that apparently can’t otherwise kill one, but you also don’t want me traveling to hunt or taking advantage of being in another state and hunting there? I should shoot the first one, or two, or three that come into range, then go fishing? Do you know what that would do to the panfish population in the black river? Or, should I not fish? Should I hunt at all?

    And, how does “floating a tag” work? Either I’m calling for others, as you suggest, which doesn’t require a tag, or I’m carrying my gun (tag required) and passing up opportunities. So, isn’t the second scenario where I have my gun (hence, a tag) and passing up opportunities the same as “calling alone with my camera”?

    Since you suppose to know so much about me, I see folks like you as those that stay in their bubble and bitch about what they perceive others to be doing. I can assure you that I would shoot two a day, every day, in any state if that was sustainable. I might even shoot three on weekends. I love to shoot them, and I love to “watch them die” bo. I just know that isn’t sustainable. Why do we shoot them at all? Why do we shoot anything, for that matter? Let’s not pretend that many of us are using the resource as a means to feed our starving families. It is fun as hell to shoot them. It is fun as hell to watch them get shot. It is fun as hell to be in the woods in the spring. And the fall. And the winter. The summer kind of sucks, with the yellow flies.

    I also completely understand that it isn’t ALL about the killing, but surely it is somewhat about the killing. Else we wouldn’t go to the trouble and expense of the guns, shells, etc. Now that I’m sure we agree on that, it comes down to what percentage it is about the killing. And that may be where the differences lie.

    It seems that virtue is being projected all over the place.
    Wow where to begin....this is like the highest hanging curve ball.. anyway I’ll start with Hit dog always hollers. and you can just chew on that for awhile. Second you may want to tone down your ego. I wasn’t calling you out directly because A. I don’t give a shit enough to remember who posts what and B. I know a handful more people that do the same thing you do. and C. We have mutual friends yet I don’t know you. If you’ll settle down take a knee and catch your breath and reread what I wrote you’ll see I was simply agreeing with Sportin who seemed to be suggesting taking a camera to take some photos instead of feeling like you have to kill your limit every year may be an alternative. I’m not saying you shouldn’t travel to kill turkeys bc I don’t give a shit if you do AND I do it myself. I went to Idaho and TN to chase them myself this year. I DO think at some point people realize they don’t HAVE to kill their limit every year, but Yes they absolutely want to kill them and so do I. I’m mad as hell at them but no enough anymore to press to stay in the woods until I get my limit here, especially here, now. Not enough to take anyone else I can convince to go and let me call for them just so I can be in the woods. Maybe that’s just the difference in me and you. The kill, especially turkey hunting is a big part. I still remember the misses and wince at the ones I counted coup on but still slipped away. The maturity thing is just what I think happens when you’ve had a lot of experience catching or killing whatever you’re pursuing regardless of the limits or population levels. Sometimes you get to a point where you just say That’s probably enough for today or this year. You’re clearly not there yet and mad as hell at them. I’ll assure you you don’t love it or hate them anymore than I do, but I quit concentrating on the limit back before they made me quit killing 5 a year, and enjoy the hell out of the whole process now, and stop short of the limit, because I can. Maybe you can’t or don’t want to yet. I don’t know or care. But if so, that is ironic given the current state of our population in SC and the fact that I know you love the sport and the resource. Does that make any sense to you? Some of the most successful turkey hunters I know or know of go kill their limit then stay in the woods extra time calling for others and I’ll argue causing other turkeys to get killed that would not get killed by less skilled callers and hunters because they can’t get enough of it all while talking about how concerned they are about population and season changes. You get it yet? If not maybe you never will.

    Quote Originally Posted by trkykilr View Post
    I understand. I was simply pointing out the lunacy of the theory that the only reason anyone shoots anything is because they haven’t matured enough to understand it isn’t all about the kill.

    The surprise is that your brother in law would only call up one for you.
    You’re just dead wrong here. I think you got too spun up for your reading comprehension to kick in.
    \"We say grace and we say maam, if you ain\'t into that, we don\'t give a damn.\" HW Jr.

  4. #84
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    Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by trkykilr View Post
    The surprise is that your brother in law would only call up one for you.
    I don’t require any help, plus, we walk in from the gate and I’d hate for him to catch a cramp…….

  5. #85
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    I hollered because you refer to some TFC’ers in your first sentence, then use “they” to refer to that group for the entire first half of your post. Since we have mutual friends, I would assume, possibly wrongly, that you are aware that I am proudly part of that group. You then go on to make a lot of assumptions and generalizations about people that have no basis in fact. It is OK for you to choose to hunt out of state, but then you criticize others for doing so. If you choose not to stay in the woods and chase your legal limit, then fine. To criticize others for doing so is a choice you are free to make. I chose not to kill my limit here this year, as well. But that was my choice.

    I love to hunt turkeys. I go to Florida because it is the first state that will allow me to do it. I went to Michigan and have previously gone to Maine because they are the last places that will allow me to do it. If Alaska was open right now, I’d probably be there, be on the way, or have just left. I crave it when it is coming and I miss the hell out of it when it’s gone. So, yes, I want to see them thrive here and return to the numbers we had. I have openly said I regret my conduct earlier in my turkey hunting career. I can’t take it back, but I can do everything in my financial and physical power to do my part now. Since you know people that know me, I’m sure you have plenty of stories of the way I behaved, and the amount of changes I have made. It’s all I can do. I can’t not hunt them. I don’t know how to do that.

    And, yeah, I’m pretty sure I get it.
    Them that don't know him won't like him, and them that do sometimes won't know how to take him

    He ain't wrong, he's just different, and his pride won't let him do things to make you think he's right

    They don't put Championship rings on smooth hands

  6. #86
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    Providence, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Whackumstackum View Post
    I don’t require any help, plus, we walk in from the gate and I’d hate for him to catch a cramp…….
    Stick to what you’re good at…. Shooting deer in bean fields

  7. #87
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    upstate, sc


    Quote Originally Posted by trkykilr View Post
    I hollered because you refer to some TFC’ers in your first sentence, then use “they” to refer to that group for the entire first half of your post. Since we have mutual friends, I would assume, possibly wrongly, that you are aware that I am proudly part of that group. You then go on to make a lot of assumptions and generalizations about people that have no basis in fact. It is OK for you to choose to hunt out of state, but then you criticize others for doing so. If you choose not to stay in the woods and chase your legal limit, then fine. To criticize others for doing so is a choice you are free to make. I chose not to kill my limit here this year, as well. But that was my choice.

    I love to hunt turkeys. I go to Florida because it is the first state that will allow me to do it. I went to Michigan and have previously gone to Maine because they are the last places that will allow me to do it. If Alaska was open right now, I’d probably be there, be on the way, or have just left. I crave it when it is coming and I miss the hell out of it when it’s gone. So, yes, I want to see them thrive here and return to the numbers we had. I have openly said I regret my conduct earlier in my turkey hunting career. I can’t take it back, but I can do everything in my financial and physical power to do my part now. Since you know people that know me, I’m sure you have plenty of stories of the way I behaved, and the amount of changes I have made. It’s all I can do. I can’t not hunt them. I don’t know how to do that.

    And, yeah, I’m pretty sure I get it.
    Clearly I’ve struck a nerve but wasn’t looking for a mea culpa about whatever you used to do. Our friends and I have not talked about you if that’s what you’re worried about. I don’t know what you’ve done nor care. Maybe you’re sorry for something like that? Maybe that’s why you jumped and went off on a tangent about deer and fishing? Your reaction is interesting to me though. But partially understandable if you feel you’re making amends for your possibly errant ways and assumed I was calling you out personally. My post generalized about people who hunt everyday kill their limit here then call for others killing more turkeys here then travel to other states to continue same. Many of those also post that shit all over social media as well because they need the attention. I’m nit talking about you with the posting. I enjoyed your story with your daughter in Florida I think it was. But I’m sure you know people who do that locally and have gotten non turkey hunters involved so they could hunt that property too yet fail to realize the additional pressure they put on the resource all so they can continue their passion, to selfishly hunt at the expense of the resource after limiting out. That’s not conjecture. It’s fact. I know you know people that do it. Legal yes, no argument. But that’s the main problem I have with it here now in SC. I’m not critical of the travel and the states I threw out there were coincidentally ones you recently hunted I guess. Again, you don’t have to explain why you went where to me, but fir some reason you felt you must. I’m glad you’ve made changes if you felt it was necessary. Some never mature beyond being a game hog if that was the problem.
    \"We say grace and we say maam, if you ain\'t into that, we don\'t give a damn.\" HW Jr.

  8. #88
    Join Date
    May 2003


    SCDucks is back. The turkey poets are all worked up. Whew it’s been awhile.

    Deer and turkeys ain’t in the same universe in terms of population. Even the 130” ones.

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    True that Southern duck! Let em cook! Carry on men!

  10. #90
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    Columbia, SC


    summer sucks if it weren't for sweet corn and tomatoes.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  11. #91
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    Truth from toof

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    summer sucks if it weren't for sweet corn and tomatoes.
    You quit fishing?

  13. #93
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    i dont love summer fishing on the coast but I did catch a couple of nice flounder last weekend.

    I still pond fish some but not as much as I used to.

    i think i'm getting old.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  14. #94
    Join Date
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    paradise city


    Y'all can keep on being Pinhoti fan boys and french kissing him in your pee pee is bigger and I kill more turkeys than any one of you.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by FOWL MOUTH View Post
    Y'all can keep on being Pinhoti fan boys and french kissing him in your pee pee is bigger and I kill more turkeys than any one of you.
    He hasn't posted in 2 months. Maybe he got a real job

  16. #96
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    Last edited by centurian; 07-12-2024 at 08:54 AM.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by centurian View Post
    If I’m not mistaken, NC was much later than most southern states in their restocking programs they are still seeing the upward movement in harvest right now before they begin to fall. (See around 2000 here in SC)

  18. #98
    Join Date
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    Hampton Co., SC


    I'm sure North Carolina's success has nothing to do with the fact that they don't start killing turkeys until after most of the breeding is done, can't be!
    \"I never saw a wild thing feel sorry for itself. A small bird will drop dead frozen from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.\" <br />D.H. LAWRENCE

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calibogue View Post
    I'm sure North Carolina's success has nothing to do with the fact that they don't start killing turkeys until after most of the breeding is done, can't be!
    Nope, that theory has been shot down by an actual scientific study.

    Go back and look at our numbers in 2000. We were killing more in little SC than they are in NC now (25k SC 24k NC). Now I do know our limit was 5 then and theirs is 2. But when you look at the size differences in the 2 states along with the amount of people hunting them now NC numbers aren’t that impressive compared to SC in 2000. Also those SC numbers aren’t being increased by strutter decoys (not being massed produced yet) or fanning either.

    By the way, I talked to someone who is very much in the know in Tennessee. TWRA wanted the season moved back up to the closet Saturday to April 5th. It had the backing of their Turkey coordinator and biologist Harper and Buehler. The commission didn’t listen to the suggestions and kept it the same.

  20. #100
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    Hampton Co., SC


    PJ, there is no theory surrounding the importance of April 10 buddy.
    You can lead a horse to water but can't make em drink.
    \"I never saw a wild thing feel sorry for itself. A small bird will drop dead frozen from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.\" <br />D.H. LAWRENCE


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