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Thread: Tires, Rear Ends, Gas mileage ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Tires, Rear Ends, Gas mileage ?

    Would there be any difference in gas mileage between 18" and 20 " tires?

    Would there be any difference in gas mileage between a 3.42 and a 3.23 rear end?

    I'm assuming one would pull better but get less mpg.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Camden, SC


    Tires, or wheels?

    It's all going to depend on tire and wheel construction.

    If the rotational mass is equal, then there would be no difference.

    However, a bigger wheel made with more expensive (lighter) materials would equate to less rotational mass which equals slightly better MPG.

    However, if you buy some expensive wheels, you'd probably never recoup the costs in gas savings.

    Sent via Galaxy s23 Ultra using Tapatalk
    Last edited by USMCsilver; 06-13-2024 at 10:30 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    3.42 will pull better, but would be slightly worse gas milage.
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Horry, SC


    Get the 3.42 gears.

  5. #5
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    Go with 20" tires. Thank me later
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  6. #6
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    Also, might not think it matters but weight of the tires affect MPG as well. I went from Nitto Terra Grapplers to Toyo Open County ATs and lost 1-2 MPG. The Toyos are a 1-2 pounds heavier per tire.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Sandy Run


    Unless it is a 3/4 or 1ton truck I would get 20’s. I have 18’s on my f150. Bigger tires are almost all E range. Aka heavy.

    If a man is alone in the woods, says something, and a woman does not hear, is he still wrong?

    Bipartisan usually means that a larger-than-usual deception is being carried out. —George Carlin

    Common sense is not a gift. It's a punishment because you have to deal with everyone else who doesn't have it.

  8. #8
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    No idea on this but would 20" rims weigh more that 18's or 16's? I've got stock 20's on my truck and I've never liked the ride on bumpy roads due to very little sidewall. I spend a lot of time on washboard roads.
    Last edited by skrimp; 06-14-2024 at 08:07 AM.
    Molon Labe
    HRCH Coal's Sparkleberry Cache MH

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2002


    Tire revolution is measured in how my revolution in a mile.

    So for simplicity… a 35 inch tire turns the same amount of revolutions in a mile no matter if it’s on a 18, 20, or 26 inch wheel.

    Don’t over complicate math.

    Gear ratio would blow most people’s mind.
    More fuel = more boost!!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by HT View Post
    Also, might not think it matters but weight of the tires affect MPG as well. I went from Nitto Terra Grapplers to Toyo Open County ATs and lost 1-2 MPG. The Toyos are a 1-2 pounds heavier per tire.
    So going with 2 lbs heavier per tire adds 8 total pounds correct? You’re telling me you lost 2 mpg over 8 lbs? What if you drive around on a full tank of fuel all the time verses 1/4 tank of fuel all the time. One gallon of gas is 6 lbs roughly. How much better fuel mileage does the guy that rides around on E gain over the guy that stays on full?
    Last edited by KRT; 06-14-2024 at 09:50 PM.
    More fuel = more boost!!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catdaddy View Post
    Would there be any difference in gas mileage between 18" and 20 " tires?

    Would there be any difference in gas mileage between a 3.42 and a 3.23 rear end?

    I'm assuming one would pull better but get less mpg.
    To the original question… does it matter ?

    You want fuel mileage, go buy a Honda Civic.
    More fuel = more boost!!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by KRT View Post
    So going with 2 lbs heavier per tire adds 8 total pounds correct? You’re telling me you lost 2 mpg over 8 lbs? What if you drive around on a full tank of fuel all the time verses 1/4 tank of fuel all the time. One gallon of gas is 6 lbs roughly. How much better fuel mileage does the guy that rides around on E gain over the guy that stays on full?
    The key word is rotational mass. 8 lbs of static weight ain’t nothin, but going from highway tires to all terrains at 8 lbs per tire is a big increase in rotational mass.

    Also if anyone cares, the further your weight is from the center of rotation, the more inertia there is. Sit in an office chair and spin in circles with your arms and legs pulled in, then hold your arms and legs outward… you suddenly spin slower, pull them back in and you suddenly spin faster. “Physics”

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gone South View Post
    The key word is rotational mass. 8 lbs of static weight ain’t nothin, but going from highway tires to all terrains at 8 lbs per tire is a big increase in rotational mass.

    Also if anyone cares, the further your weight is from the center of rotation, the more inertia there is. Sit in an office chair and spin in circles with your arms and legs pulled in, then hold your arms and legs outward… you suddenly spin slower, pull them back in and you suddenly spin faster. “Physics”
    Physics? It’s a total of 8 pounds “rotational” mass. Not 8 lbs per tire which is 64 lbs. the example was the new tire is 2lbs heavier.

    Physics would explain the amount of energy to rotate the tire. More weight takes more energy. No different than the amount of energy it would take to move a weighted vehicle.

    Your example of spinning in a chair and inertia would apply if larger tires were installed. A 35 inch is 35 inches no matter the size of the wheel.

    A 37 inch tire would stick out further and take more energy to spin the speed of the 35 inch tire.
    More fuel = more boost!!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by KRT View Post
    So going with 2 lbs heavier per tire adds 8 total pounds correct? You’re telling me you lost 2 mpg over 8 lbs? What if you drive around on a full tank of fuel all the time verses 1/4 tank of fuel all the time. One gallon of gas is 6 lbs roughly. How much better fuel mileage does the guy that rides around on E gain over the guy that stays on full?
    Ha, the guy that rides around on E will be coming to see you before long with a burned up fuel pump.
    Gettin old is for pussies! AND MY NEW TRUE people say like Capt. Tom >>>>>>>>>/
    "Wow, often imitated but never duplicated. No one can do it like the master. My hat is off to you DRDUCK!"

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by KRT View Post
    So going with 2 lbs heavier per tire adds 8 total pounds correct? You’re telling me you lost 2 mpg over 8 lbs? What if you drive around on a full tank of fuel all the time verses 1/4 tank of fuel all the time. One gallon of gas is 6 lbs roughly. How much better fuel mileage does the guy that rides around on E gain over the guy that stays on full?
    Ha, the guy that rides around on E will be coming to see you before long with a burned up fuel pump.
    Gettin old is for pussies! AND MY NEW TRUE people say like Capt. Tom >>>>>>>>>/
    "Wow, often imitated but never duplicated. No one can do it like the master. My hat is off to you DRDUCK!"

  16. #16
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    Default Tires, Rear Ends, Gas mileage ?

    Quote Originally Posted by KRT View Post
    Physics? It’s a total of 8 pounds “rotational” mass. Not 8 lbs per tire which is 64 lbs. the example was the new tire is 2lbs heavier.

    Physics would explain the amount of energy to rotate the tire. More weight takes more energy. No different than the amount of energy it would take to move a weighted vehicle.

    Your example of spinning in a chair and inertia would apply if larger tires were installed. A 35 inch is 35 inches no matter the size of the wheel.

    A 37 inch tire would stick out further and take more energy to spin the speed of the 35 inch tire.
    The spinning chair applies to change in wheel size (diameter of tire stays the same). An equal mass between solid disc vs a hoop but the hoop having more mass toward the outside of the radius, the hoop will experience a higher inertia, therefore more losses.

    Bottom line, an increase in tire weight is not linear to loss of mpg.
    Last edited by Gone South; 06-17-2024 at 11:34 AM.

  17. #17
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    The reason I asked about the tires is, the only choice with 20 inch tires is the blackout type wheels.

    I like machined aluminum wheels better and they come with the 18 inch tires.

    Last edited by Catdaddy; 06-17-2024 at 04:54 PM.

  18. #18
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    Bottom line, I'm trusting the guy that fixes shit, not the math geek.
    (sorry. I just wanted to post in this forum.)
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    Bottom line, I'm trusting the guy that fixes shit, not the math geek.
    (sorry. I just wanted to post in this forum.)
    That’s what I do is fix shit.


    Gone South… this is my first time. Thanks for the education…
    More fuel = more boost!!

  20. #20
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    my blinker is still broken.
    it worked the other day. I almost texted you.
    Then, it stopped working.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.


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