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Thread: Low Site Traffic...

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Banks of the Wateree


    Hey Glenn, I've already received a heart felt token from 2th today.. but hey 2th

    I haven't been posting because I'm really busy with important things because I do important things.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    hey glenn

    Quote Originally Posted by Highstrung View Post
    Hey Glenn, I've already received a heart felt token from 2th today.. but hey 2th

    I haven't been posting because I'm really busy with important things because I do important things.
    Hey back. Online shopping for cool socks is important. Let your freak flag fly, bo.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Banks of the Wateree


    I basically only wear socks in church and on the golf course this time of year.

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Wateree, South Carolina


    You mean that you don't wear shorts and Olukais to church?

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Anderson, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by JABIII View Post
    You mean that you don't wear shorts and Olukais to church?

    Well hopefully he at least takes his HAT OFF in church , had young adult in our church couple weeks ago with his hat on.

    MERCY ,all I could do to keep from turning into Tony Soprano over that

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Banks of the Wateree


    Quote Originally Posted by tprice View Post
    Well hopefully he at least takes his HAT OFF in church , had young adult in our church couple weeks ago with his hat on.

    MERCY ,all I could do to keep from turning into Tony Soprano over that
    I sincerely hope you're just that throwing out as a question to the masses.. I'm not made of cotton candy, I don't care for hats inside anywhere, much less a church. That's flat out disgusting, I can't even get past grown men who don't tuck in shirts.
    Last edited by Highstrung; 04-24-2024 at 07:19 AM.

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    I'm sure God is worried about your garments more so than the condition of your soul. While I'm not a fan of neck tats, pit bulls, and nose to cheek piercing. As long as you leave the pit bull out side we will be ok. You never know what that young lady with a baby is going through. (At least she didn't have an abortion). That young man who may appear to be flagrantly gay. (What if he had been trafficked sexually since he was 6 months old?) The guy or girl with track marks on their arm(s) wearing jeans and a hat. (What pain were they trying to numb before they got hooked?)

    We need to put aside our own prejudices, and meet our brothers and sisters in love, and get over our own selves. Jesus died for all our sins no matter what we look like or how we are dressed as long as we accept his gift. There are people out there right now that need that gift. If we cant get over our selves and share that love and knowledge of that gift to those in need we will be held accountable later on!

    If the person already made that first step and came to the church the last thing we need to do is turn our nose up and run them off. Good thing Jesus didn't do that to us. We better get over there and bring that person in and let them know they are in a place that is safe and filled with forgiveness and love.

    You came in this world naked, and when you go out hopefully you will be washed white as snow and get that new set of threads made of LIGHT.
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Banks of the Wateree


    You constantly over shoot jokes, and or over think someone's jest.

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Columbia, SC


    dress the part and act the part.

    i get what you're saying, SSW.....while the clothes dont make the man, it certainly can help.

    anyone can find God but getting up in the morning, making your bed, and putting on a suit will set the tone better.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Oct 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    dress the part and act the part.

    i get what you're saying, SSW.....while the clothes dont make the man, it certainly can help.

    anyone can find God but getting up in the morning, making your bed, and putting on a suit will set the tone better.
    I agree, but some people have never had a dad or mentor tell them how to dress and what is appropriate in certain situations. Instead of looking down on a young man for dressing poorly, we should help him by giving guidance, not judgement.

  11. #131
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Highstrung View Post
    You constantly over shoot jokes, and or over think someone's jest.
    I was referring to T Price about to go Soprano on dude for wearing a hat. I agree with tooth. I'm gonna look the part, and many of you all will. Thank your parents for your upbringing that taught you how to dress, and how to act in public situations.

    Not everyone had that same resource. I'm not into white privilege or what ever the idiots call it. I'm certainly not ashamed of a dang thing I got. My wife gets mad at me in public for stating things about peoples appearance in public.
    The one time I dont say anything, and over look all that is in church. I shouldn't do it at all, maybe those folks need & want help too. Most with the blue purple hair obviously dont want it and are just as virulent about their mental illness as the pitbull is killing you!
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  12. #132
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Columbia, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Remy View Post
    I agree, but some people have never had a dad or mentor tell them how to dress and what is appropriate in certain situations. Instead of looking down on a young man for dressing poorly, we should help him by giving guidance, not judgement.
    he blind?

    it doesnt take a parent. it takes a village. no one knows how to dress properly any more. that's life.

    but boo hoo on the poor kid who doesnt know what to wear to church. if he cant figure it out by what others wear, he needs more help than I can give him.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  13. #133
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Summerville, SC


    One of the best, most powerful church service I ever attended was when I visited a friend's church. The congregation was mostly made up of heathens and derelicts. Recovering drug addicts, a guy with a recent gunshot wound, most folks with less than 10 teeth in their mouths, etc.

    The preacher (my fiend) was starting his sermon with prepared remarks when he became overcome with God's Spirit, he closed his bible and called the congregation (about 40 of us) to the front of the church for an impromptu service.
    My wife and I left the church uplifted and exhausted.

    I try not to judge a book by it's cover.

  14. #134
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Mark 7:1-9

    1 Now when the Pharisees gathered to him, with some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem, 2 they saw that some of his disciples ate with hands that were defiled, that is, unwashed. 3 (For the Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they wash their hands properly, holding to the tradition of the elders, 4 and when they come from the marketplace, they do not eat unless they wash. And there are many other traditions that they observe, such as the washing of cups and pots and copper vessels and dining couches. 5 And the Pharisees and the scribes asked him, “Why do your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat with defiled hands?” 6 And he said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written,

    “‘This people honors me with their lips,
    but their heart is far from me;
    7 in vain do they worship me,
    teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’

    8 You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men.”

    9 And he said to them, “You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God in order to establish your tradition!
    "This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." John 15:12

    "Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord." Hebrews 12:14

  15. #135
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Ballard's Landing


    An opinion:
    SCDUCKS has lost it's traffic because it has drastically strayed from it's origins.
    A website created by avid duck hunters who hunted ducks. 20 years ago this place was a home for die-hards to primarily discuss ducks and duck issues in SC and chat about OOS travels.
    A forum occupied by duck hunters, not guys that occasionally hunted ducks.
    A forum occupied by guys that fished and posted reports of catches.

    Sure, the other forums always had seasonal posts....
    Football, Deer, Fishing, etc, because we all did that in warmer weather, but the focus of this site was ducks.
    Sometime around 2010 this site drew a massive influx of guys that were not duck hunters and not avid fishermen.
    That is when the site shifted and non-duck and fishing topics began to dominate.
    Simultaneously, the age group of men that were die-hards when the site was born, began to rise and they hunted less and quit driving duck related conversations.
    This opened the door for SCDUCKS to morph from a SC Hunters driven site to an SC Men's Group site.

    Web forums have a heirarchy driven by those who post the most, hold a moderator position, or have created a virtual support group for themselves via tenure.
    Post 2010, those at the top of this heirarchy were not avid duck hunters, fishermen, or in some cases outdoorsmen.

    So SCDUCKS shifted.

    As offensive as this may be, it's true nonetheless.....
    Now the posters that drive SCDUCKS are not avid duck hunters, they are not avid fishermen, and not avid outdoorsmen.

    It's a group of men that have to navigate a half hour of 5 o'clock traffic and 28 stoplights to see the first open field.
    It's a group of men that focus more on what happens between (22) 18 year old boys on a field with a ball, than what happens in the woods.
    It's a group of men that worry more about democrats and republicans than finding bedding shellcracker.
    It's a group of men that care more to discuss travel baseball than discuss wildlife related issues in this state.

    Furthermore, when someone google searches "duck hunting in South Carolina" they find this site.
    They join, ask a question, and are clobbered and ridiculed by a swath of posters, more qualified on RV sales and service than anything duck of fish....
    So new recruitment is out of the question.

    In the old days, new members got clobbered, but they were picked on by actual duck hunters and actual fishermen.
    Now it's just a kid wanting to learn about duck hunting getting called a rookie by guys that don't actually hunt.
    Or if they do hunt, they are hunting private lands a few times a year.
    That constant hazing drives new members away.

    We were once the premier hunting and fishing site in the State.

    The only way to get back to that is for those that drive the conversations to be hunters and fishermen.
    That will draw new hunters and fishermen to want to discuss topics here.
    Be proactive about improving public waterfowl habitat in South Carolina. It's not going to happen by itself, and our help is needed. We have the potential to winter thousands of waterfowl on public grounds if we fight for it.

  16. #136
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Ballard's Landing


    An opinion:
    SCDUCKS has lost it's traffic because it has drastically strayed from it's origins.
    A website created by avid duck hunters who hunted ducks. 20 years ago this place was a home for die-hards to primarily discuss ducks and duck issues in SC and chat about OOS travels.
    A forum occupied by duck hunters, not guys that occasionally hunted ducks.
    A forum occupied by guys that fished and posted reports of catches.

    Sure, the other forums always had seasonal posts....
    Football, Deer, Fishing, etc, because we all did that in warmer weather, but the focus of this site was ducks.
    Sometime around 2010 this site drew a massive influx of guys that were not duck hunters and not avid fishermen.
    That is when the site shifted and non-duck and fishing topics began to dominate.
    Simultaneously, the age group of men that were die-hards when the site was born, began to rise and they hunted less and quit driving duck related conversations.
    This opened the door for SCDUCKS to morph from a SC Hunters driven site to an SC Men's Group site.

    Web forums have a heirarchy driven by those who post the most, hold a moderator position, or have created a virtual support group for themselves via tenure.
    Post 2010, those at the top of this heirarchy were not avid duck hunters, fishermen, or in some cases outdoorsmen.

    So SCDUCKS shifted.

    As offensive as this may be, it's true nonetheless.....
    Now the posters that drive SCDUCKS are not avid duck hunters, they are not avid fishermen, and not avid outdoorsmen.

    It's a group of men that have to navigate a half hour of 5 o'clock traffic and 28 stoplights to see the first open field.
    It's a group of men that focus more on what happens between (22) 18 year old boys on a field with a ball, than what happens in the woods.
    It's a group of men that worry more about democrats and republicans than finding bedding shellcracker.
    It's a group of men that care more to discuss travel baseball than discuss wildlife related issues in this state.

    Furthermore, when someone google searches "duck hunting in South Carolina" they find this site.
    They join, ask a question, and are clobbered and ridiculed by a swath of posters, more qualified on RV sales and service than anything duck of fish....
    So new recruitment is out of the question.

    In the old days, new members got clobbered, but they were picked on by actual duck hunters and actual fishermen.
    Now it's just a kid wanting to learn about duck hunting getting called a rookie by guys that don't actually hunt.
    Or if they do hunt, they are hunting private lands a few times a year.
    That constant hazing drives new members away.

    We were once the premier hunting and fishing site in the State.

    The only way to get back to that is for those that drive the conversations to be hunters and fishermen.
    That will draw new hunters and fishermen to want to discuss topics here.
    Be proactive about improving public waterfowl habitat in South Carolina. It's not going to happen by itself, and our help is needed. We have the potential to winter thousands of waterfowl on public grounds if we fight for it.

  17. #137
    Join Date
    Jan 2017


    Two to three minutes to load a thread or advance a page in a thread. I haven’t been on in few months simply because the load times.

  18. #138
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    The website is way to slow for me to mess with most days.

    Most times of the day, phone or computer the website takes over a minute to load the. Another minute for every click you make. So what use to take a few minutes to drop in and mess around now takes time. I click on the website often but usually close out the browser before the site ever loads.

  19. #139
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    The website is way to slow for me to mess with most days.

    Most times of the day, phone or computer the website takes over a minute to load the. Another minute for every click you make. So what use to take a few minutes to drop in and mess around now takes time. I click on the website often but usually close out the browser before the site ever loads.

  20. #140
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Columbia, SC


    It’s 75% the site taking forever to load, 25% the content of this site as has been so well unintentionally documented in this thread.
    Sea Ark 1542 w/ Yamaha 40
    Xpress 16 w/ 50 Hammer
    War Eagle 15 w/ 30 Hammer


    "Sometimes you gotta grab the bull by the horns and the women by the tits and take charge in your life" - General Patton

    "I'm very drunk and I intend on getting still drunker before this evening's over."
    - Rhett Butler


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