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Thread: NDA email: Uncontrolled Killing of Deer and Other Wildlife Without a Depredation Perm

  1. #41
    Join Date
    May 2003


    I just rode from Ft Motte to Bowman. I saw no less than 250 deer, mostly in groups of 10-15. In areas with ag and thin woods deer are plentiful/overpopulated. In 2ths pine patches there ain’t a thing to eat and no deer.

    Why are people worried about deer? Do they think farmers shooting them at night is really decimating the population or is it more the trophy hunter thinks that is ruining his opportunity to kill the muye grande?

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Southernduck View Post
    I just rode from Ft Motte to Bowman. I saw no less than 250 deer, mostly in groups of 10-15. In areas with ag and thin woods deer are plentiful/overpopulated. In 2ths pine patches there ain’t a thing to eat and no deer.

    Why are people worried about deer? Do they think farmers shooting them at night is really decimating the population or is it more the trophy hunter thinks that is ruining his opportunity to kill the muye grande?
    I'm not worried about whitetails going extinct. I'm worried about the abuse this new law/regulation will get and the waste of all that protein. Killing food and letting it rot to save food most of us shouldn't be eating anyway. The deer are a much healthier food option than the corn, soybeans etc. I'm sure I'll get flamed but it won't make it untrue. Population needs to be kept at carrying capacity. I don't think anyone is arguing that. But there are a lot of people who could be fed with all those deer left to lay and rot.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Planting 15 acres of peanuts in the middle of 250 acres of 3yo cutover doesnt/shouldnt give you the right to shoot 2 dozen deer in the guts at night in July. Period.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by dixiedeerslaya View Post
    Planting 15 acres of peanuts in the middle of 250 acres of 3yo cutover doesnt/shouldnt give you the right to shoot 2 dozen deer in the guts at night in July. Period.
    But the way that Bill appears to be written, it will.....


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