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Thread: New Muzzle loader ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default New Muzzle loader ?

    Looking to purchase a new muzzle loader this year. Past two years I've used one here and out of state.

    is the CVA Crossfire or Traditions nitro fire worth it overall money wise with the new technology for convenience, accuracy, and extended range? The price of 10 firesticks seems to out weigh just buying traditional pellets.


    Spend a little bit more and get the Accura LRX with the bergarra Barrell and load traditionally

    I like both, but wanted to see if you guys have used one, and thoughts
    Quote Originally Posted by JABIII View Post
    Indeed, yet I have killed no Jack Miners today, this month, or this season as our boy DHall has. I am more jealous of his awesome pig of a bird than everyone else combined.

    First Peter 5:7 "Cast all your care upon God"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Charlotte, NC


    Just get a smokeless. It’s more money, but the headaches of a muzzleloader go away. I don’t know which other states you are traveling to, but some will let you use a muzzleloader during shotgun season.

    Mine is a savage 10ML action with a pacnor .45 barrel and some smith work. It’s stupid accurate at a longer distance than should be allowed during ML season.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by wiz18 View Post
    Just get a smokeless. It’s more money, but the headaches of a muzzleloader go away. I don’t know which other states you are traveling to, but some will let you use a muzzleloader during shotgun season.

    Mine is a savage 10ML action with a pacnor .45 barrel and some smith work. It’s stupid accurate at a longer distance than should be allowed during ML season.
    I agree with this. I got an Encore barrel from Arrowhead rifles. I have loads with smokeless and BH209. My sight in this past year consisted of loading the gun, dialing my scope to 400 yards, and ringing steel on my first shot. It was still sighted in from the previous year, even after removing the barrel after muzzleloader season and putting it back on in September


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