Anyone have recommendation for a bow sight with a 2x lens for hunting?
Anyone have recommendation for a bow sight with a 2x lens for hunting?
"You are Citadel Men, you have no pension for failure, you wear the Ring, you never let a friend down, you will be good fathers, husbands, and leaders in the armed forces and industry, you are strong in heart, body, and mind. You protect such things as Honor and Fidelity. Your virtues matter not only in wealth, but in the richness of family, you are the last of the knights."
- late President Ronald Reagan
You should probably quit jacking off so much.
" A little boy was in his room playing with himself, when his father walked in.
"Son! If you masturbate too much, you're gonna go blind!"
"Dad," the boy said, "I'm over here."
Call hamskea, tell them what your eye needs, and they will recommend you a peep
ETA: a few companies make sights with a lens system. HHA, ultraview, etc. I’ve shot 2x up to a 6x…. They are all shaky. I’d try a peep first.
Last edited by wiz18; 10-07-2023 at 04:33 PM.
Let me know when you find a solution, I noticed my pin was a blur other day.
Low country redneck who moved north
That’s why you see old farts shooting recurves and longbows. Only one thing for those more experienced eyes to focus on…
They make 2x + sights for rifles
Specialty Archery Podium Peep Clarifier Lens Kit 5 pk.
\"I never saw a wild thing feel sorry for itself. A small bird will drop dead frozen from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.\" <br />D.H. LAWRENCE