some pictures of fish up shallow working shrimp on oysters from the past few days
some pictures of fish up shallow working shrimp on oysters from the past few days
Cool pics
Thanks for sharing
Very cool
Great pics. I haven't gone all Summer, too busy with work and work travel. I'm dying to get down that way to chase them and seatrout. Hopefully in September as it slightly cools down a bit.
Cool pics, thanks for sharing.
One question though, if a fella wanted a few filets, do you recommend a dip net or gig?
Bow and error are your friend
Delta in a nutshell: Breeding grounds + small wetlands + big blocks of grass cover + predator removal + nesting structures + enough money to do the job= plenty of ducks to keep everyone smiling!
"For those that will fight for it...FREEDOM...has a flavor the protected shall never know."
-L/Cpl Edwin L. "Tim" Craft
I’m usually too busy dodging back casts to really get the great stuff on camera.
Here’s another fish working in a small creek and one smoking a fly in the grass
action shot
you really should take me fishing....
Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.
I keep looking at the title and thinking it's in the grilling and chillin forum.
I've stuffed flounder with crab meat, but never oysters. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.
"Rivers and the inhabitants of the watery elements are for wise men to contemplate and for fools to pass by without consideration" -Izaak Walton
Yeah those spottails look good and all. But I can't take my eyes off those blade clusters
If the last pic is where I think it is, that’s one of my favorite places. Not your fishing spot but the island.
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That is some clear water for this time of year
I have always been amazed the bellies of these redfish aren’t all scratched up. I have seen them belly crawl across bleached oyster bank and even worse from the live oysters like seen in your picture.
The color on those in first few pictures look like the pumpkin ones I catch here in Louisiana, those are pretty.
"The best things in life make you sweaty"
- Edgar Allen Poe
“We need the tonic of wildness...At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us...”
― Henry David Thoreau